Session #57 - Secret Doors Spill Their Secrets Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session #57 - Secret Doors Spill Their Secrets Report

General Summary

5th Day of Readying, 581 CY Weather: Chilly and overcast with occassional rain.   An Adventuring Guild plans out their next assault on the Hill Giant Steading. They are still unclear about who is behind the gathering of giants.  

Character Report by Illarion

Delvin, Dumple, Illarion, Nuwl, Sir Rob, and Va'ana Vel headed back into the Hill Giant Steading. Same plan as last time: find interesting things. They combed through the rest of the rooms, passing up some coin belong to a giantess sleeping in said room, finding an interesting shield in one room, and several secret doors. The party found a meeting room, which had a map the party copied. It also contained a secret door, which the party opened, which revealed a door going downstairs. The stairs opened into a very large room, off of which another secret door was found.   The party investigated, circumvented a trap in the floor, and revelled in discovering many, many riches. Illarion threw a Melnikov's Spare Room, which gave the party a nigh-undetectable place to stay, rest, and figure out an extraction plan. The next morning, Illarion cast Reduce on the chest of loot (90K +) and Dumple carried it out. A few stressful moments, but the party left without issue.  


We have a map to the Glacial Fortress of the Frost Giant Jarl and a way to teleport there. The map also has the name "Eclavdra" on it. We can teleport 8 people while holding the map and forming the iron chain into a figure 8.  We still haven't really discovered anything about what the goals are or who is directing the giants. We may have more to investigate below the Steading, but finding the teleport is probably the strongest direction we have.

Greyhawk Revived
Report Date
19 Feb 2024
Primary Location

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