Session 003 Report: A Haunting Investigation Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 003 Report: A Haunting Investigation

General Summary


Xentu 46, 5729 AE


The party, in desperate need of Band-Aids, took a moment to regroup. While doing so, they were safeguarded by a dryad, who played the party a song of rejuvenation and sped their recovery along. Though the party treated the Fey like a Fey, the Fey didn't Fey around its Fey nature. That means nobody lost their names *cough* Denny *cough*. Agreeing to an exchange of "You don't bleed out and you help our forest," the party agreed to take safe passage back to Pesco to get more information and, perhaps, a way to enter Applefield Mansion. First, however, they visited and investigated the mansion. Turns out that the burned mansion was actually a burned mansion!   Returning to Lorelei (the non-Fey Fey), the party took the fast track home. Their first stop: Break the news to fishwife. Spending 15 minutes deliberating (yes, I counted), they decided that Bandit McBanditface would break the news to Fishy McWifeface, and Bardy McBardface (okay, I'll stop) would listen and learn. A great plan! If she hadn't drunk like a fish and been utterly maudlin and hitting up some poor stranger. The party broke the news and left her plenty of coins to let her live for a while. Meanwhile, the cat did the bard's job and picked up a piece, much to the suspicion of Desire.   Before returning to the inn, they stopped by Town Hall to meet with Ferdinand: the top expert in ghosts and similar creatures. Through an exchange of information, the party was warned of Ladies in White: spirits of women so overcome with sorrow that they couldn't pass on. They also learned that Death doesn't care about their gender. However, Ferdinand stated that a Lady in White isn't capable of this magnitude of influence over the land. Something else has to be at work.   Perhaps a bit biased, he offered up a Grim Reaper as a possible culprit. A bit outlandish even by his own admission, but that's all his own expertise could up with. Perhaps the party will discover a more valid theory before then. Being given the key, the party left for bed.

Report Date
10 Oct 2023

Articles Mentioned

Applefield Mansion
Ladies in White

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