East Waterdeep Trading Company: Children of Night

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of East Waterdeep Trading Company Chronicle
January 2nd, 2021 | Looking for Players

Scheduled Sessions

Sun 3rd January 2021 8:00

Session I

The team assembles.

Lucifiel "Louie" Morningstar is assembling a team to venture into The Underdark on an "excursion", the details of which he is holding close to the vest. This team of Underdark specialists all have skills, knowledge and resources that will prove vital in the success of this mysterious mission. What is this mission's details? Why have these specific agents been chosen? What will they encounter in the perfectly lightless realm of The Underdark? What just made that clacking sound? All this and more to be discovered in this campaign!

This story is told by