Session 5 Report- 2022/10/29 Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 5 Report- 2022/10/29

General Summary

Just as the party was to begin to interrogate the Orc, they heard a rustle under another of the bunk beds. All of the party, including the Orc, readied themselves for another battle.
Farlen moved in to check on the situation with Camzel keeping watch on the Orc and the bed with crossbow drawn. Before Farlen could get there, the party heard a "burrrrrrrrp" as well as a followup hiccup, and a small, dark creature rolled out from under the bed. Immediately the party could smell the familiar stink of alcohol and shame, as the creature stood up (barely) and introduced himself as "Byjorn". Clearly unaware of the battle that had just taken place, he began to loot the area while the party interrogated the Orc.

Darzug The Orc

Darzug ended up telling the party that:
  • Burdug is the "Mother" of everyone in the Tribe. She is responsible for birthing and raising the children. She worships the Orc god of Fertility.
  • Shakla knows Burdug as her Mom, but Burdug is not Shakla's biological mother
  • The Great Ulfe rules with an Iron Fist and Darzug would like to kill him if he could.
  • Burdug is a powerful magic user and not easily predictable.
  • The stairs on the East side of the compound are barricaded to keep nasty monsters out of the Orcs lair and protect the tribe.
  • There is a Fire Trap near the stairs on the East side of the compound
  • There are ~20 people in Darzug's Tribe, but he is not sure how many are out on a raid or not.
  • The town the party saw while on the Chimney is a Human town called "Blasing_____". He doesn't know the name of silly Human towns but it's something like Blasinhorn or Blasingknell or something like that.

  • Additionally, the party has a feeling that:
    • Darzug has a soft spot for Shakla
    • Darzug and the other orcs fear and respect The Great Ulfe, but they understand him (via strength). They do not understand Burdug at all, and doesn't seem like they want to kill her.

    • Burdug (As described by Darzug:

      After looting the room, including finding an Iron Key off of Old Yarrock (thanks Darzug!), The party convinced Darzug that they could help him overthrow Ulfe and take back the tribe with him as the leader. He eventually agreed but said he needed to get some of his friends on board to even have a chance.


      The party waiting by the rope bridge while Darzug convinced his friends to join. After some tense moments, Darzug waved the party over.
      As they formed a plan and moved into the secure area of the compound, the party:
      • Learned that there was an orc raiding party who was out and the orcs didn't know when they were coming back.
      • Found the prison that matched the key. It contained a young girl (Geradil, Commoner) who was in rough shape, as well as a Woman who was still fresh and feisty (Courana, Archaeologist).

      • While Byjorn ignored the prisoners and grabbed food from the kitchen himself and then continued to loot through the prisoner's items, Camzel immediately brought food to the prisoners. Courana demanded that she be let out, but after discussion of the plan to overthrow Ulfe she agreed that she would stay in the prison and protect the child until the Revolution was complete.
        Darzug prepared the group for the assault on Ulfe's Quarters, even no one is sure if he is there. He posted 2 orcs at the iron door to intercept the returning raiding party if they come back, and led the party and 2 Orcs to just outside of Ulfe's quarters and they made a plan to bust into the unlocked room and take back control of the Tribe. The party notes that the Orcs are very nervous and want to get Ulfe out of the way quickly before Burdug has a chance to show up (they never really know where she is or when she will show up).
        NOTE: The Party has killed 8 orcs in Total + The Orog. The party has 5 orcs (Darzug+4 others) with them as part of the Revolution. (This was a request to track vs. the 20 the other orc gave you, assuming it was accurate).
        For next time, the original plan was:
        • Darzug and another Orc are going to swing open the door as quickly as possible
        • Byjorn is going to summon his Force Ballista cannon at the Bottom of the stairs
        • Farlen coated 5 Arrows in Drow Poison (1 of his 2 vials)
        • Farlen cast Guidance on X? (Note guidance only affects ability checks, not hit or damage rolls. If you want damage, go with Bless)
        • The party are going to give it everything they have in conjunction with the Orcs to take out Ulfe and hope Burdug doesn't show up
Clarksville D&D
Report Date
29 Oct 2022
Primary Location
The Mountain Door
This content was homebrewed by DM Baklor. Thank you to my players for making it awesome! All Rights Reserved.

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