Session 0.5 Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 0.5

General Summary

This is a recap of Session 0.5 with some additions that we should review and decided on to add to our Campaign Guidelines. We introduced two new players to the group and did a recap for them and ourselves to get back into the game.

For finalized charter see: Campaign Guidelines

New Game Flow for Players

To help with player engagment and to help keep the folow of the game going a few new "jobs" have come into play. Below is a list of tasks taht need to be performed by the players, these can be permanant roles for switched up each time. If there are some players that would like a specific role assigned each time and the rest can be rotated that is fine as well. How this is devided up will depend on the players at the table.

  1. A player team lead tells DM what the party is doing (a Caller)
  2. A player takes notes in WA
  3. A player to review notes and create a report out of them
  4. A player tracks money and supplies
  5. A player runs the maps with the mouse
  6. A player tracks initiative

Open Items

As these items are finalized they will be crosses off the list below and added to our Campaign Guidelines.

  • Player Distractions - So this still seems to be a lot of distractions around the table especially with electronics. We decided as a group that all kids will bring a printed version of thier character sheet with them and leave all phone, tablets, and laptops off.
  • Unsolicited Assistance - I have noticed that there are times some of us get frustrated with players and there choices on there turns or character creation and additions. To mitigate this unless asked by a player no character optimization demands or telling others what they should do during there turn, this rule should be enforced. Each player decides for themselves alone unless help is requested from the group.
  • Start Time - Players will arrive around 7 and game play will start at 7:30 PM.
  • Default Attacks - Players should be ready on their turn when it comes up, otherwise they use their default action determined prior to the game starting.
  • Turns taking too Long - If players are taking too long to take their turns trying to figure out what they want to do then a time limit for those repeat offenders will take effect. First warning at 60 seconds and we move on to the next player, next time it will be reduced to 30 seconds, third and final 20 seconds.
  • Game Focus - We need to stay focused a little more and not get side tracked for more than a few minutes, sometimes we go off on tangents for way too long and it kind of takes away from the game of play. The point is to get everyone together to have a good time and that is a big part of why we play, but I think we all agreed we are also here to play the game. Side tracks that last more than 10 minutes seem to take away from game emersion, so if we can make a conscious effort to limit how long they go “off the rails” it may make for a better game for all.
  • Party Rolls - So when searching areas instead of individuals rolling and then other just performing the same check if they think the other has failed, we can switch to party rolls instead. For example, everyone rolls the same check and if more than 50% (or higher depending on the DC) succeed then that check is a success, if it fails no other checks are necessary.
  • "I know a guy" - If there is something that the players need, maybe they “know a guy”, as long as they make a convincing argument as to why they know said person and why said person would be able to help. Maybe we can even extend it to another player to embellish the story so its a group reason that this thing should be true.
  • DM Adjudication - We will have a quick discussion no more than a few minutes. If a resolution can not be made in that short time the DM will decide and move forward to keep game flow going. If its tabled and a DM call is made we all discuss at the end of the session and come to a resolution moving forward that all agree with.

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