Running from Kazar Warriors Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Running from Kazar Warriors Report

General Summary

Ignis, a L37 operative from an alternate world, has been running from Kazar Warriors (from the destroyed planet, Oqthcalia). She appears in Earth and immediately, L37, IERA, and LFER are dispatched to the fray.   Maven begins devouring the IERA agents while Switch Blade partners with Ignis to attack the Kazar Warriors.

  Scarlett Sprite and Honey Badger face off against two Kazar Warriors as well, down the street.
  Ulimately, the Earthlings prevail, but not without a struggle. However, now a faceoff is brewing bewteen L37 and LFER agents -- after they catch their breath.  
  Watch the full episode here: 

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Missions/Quests Completed

Kazar Warriors defeated and portal destroyed

Character(s) interacted with

Kazar Warriors
Ignis, the Fire Witch