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Faerunia Campaign

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Faerunia
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Supporting Cast
  • Bracton Wenden
    Bracton was the prince heir to the kingdom of Cormyr and fought in the Siege of Suzail. After his father's death though, he absconded the throne to his sister Raedra, and decided to go into adventuring. He formed the Guild of Key & Lamp which helped the kingdom immensely with their outside threats. He holds a seat on the council as an advisor to the Queen, her right hand essentially.
  • Durnan Hill
    For untold years, the secrets of Undermountain remained hidden from the surface world. Everyone who entered its halls failed to return. Its reputation as a death trap grew to the point that criminals in Waterdeep who were sentenced to die were forcibly escorted into the dungeon and left to fend for themselves. All of that changed with the arrival of a pair of individuals, a warrior named Durnan and his wife named Mirth. The duo were the first adventurers to return from Undermountain, laden with riches and magic treasures. Durnan and Mirth retired from adventuring and purchased the land on which sat the deep, broad well that was the only known entrance to the dungeon. Around this well they built a tavern and inn that caters to adventurers and those who seek their services, and they called it the Yawning Portal. Some of the magic Durnan and Mirth looted on their successful foray into Undermountain granted them a life span that exceeds even that of an elf. And for decades Durnan left delving into Undermountain to younger folk. Yet one day, something drew him back and he ventured once more with his wife and a new companion, Garner. Days of waiting for their triumphant return from the dungeon turned to months and then years. For nearly a century, citizens of Waterdeep thought them dead. But one night, a voice called up from the well. Few at first believed it could be Durnan, but folk as long-lived as he vouched it so. Alas his wife was not with him and he refused to speak of it. Garner bought back the Yawning Portal from their ancestors, having returned with enough riches for them to quietly retire. Durnan took his customary place behind the bar, raised a toast to his own safe return, and then began serving customers as if he'd never left.
  • Garifar Tolm
    Garifar was born in Citadel Adbar and grew up in a family of scholars. Naturally he picked up on their trade and continued the work. He has been interested in ancient dwarven heritage, trying to uncover secrets about the legends of the Dwarves.
  • The Indomitable Garner Stormblight
    Little is known about Garner Stormblight except the fact that he is one of the only two people to emerge from the depths of the Yawning Portal alive and well, alongside Durnan. This made him quite a rich man and owner of the Yawning Portal but he never stopped venturing into the depths, each time with a new group. Each group has proven to be not ready to keep up as they keep dying on him.
5 heroes trying to be adventurers in a harsh world

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Testing Hypothesis

None Air Genasi (Gladiator)
Monk 1
10 / 10 HP