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A Whole New Bro

A Champions game In the world of The Realm of the Physical
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  • Tyria
    An isolationist world exclusively accessible by passing through its borderworld, the Mists. Tyria’s aetherial flow follows a cycle of highs and lows, kept intact by excessively large draconic entities referred to as the Elder Dragons. Its close relation to its borderworld ensures it is no stranger to extraordinary events and visits from otherworldly beings, often shaking up the cycle in the process.
Supporting Cast

Scheduled Sessions

Wed 20th March 2019 17:00

Session 1: Training Day

Tiadda must prove her mettle against the harshest judge available, the simulation room's evaluation algorhythm.

The death of former Commander of BROFIST, Trace, caused the necessary shifting in the League of Bro's subdivisions.
Forming the newest subdivision, New Bro, on the principles of that which propelled the technological advancement of the League forward by miles, the members must now figure out their place in the world and for what cause to fight.

But before any of that happens, they must have armor.

This story is told by

The Protagonists


