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The aftermath of the fall of the uncu

A Mutants & Masterminds game In the world of Serophin
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You feel limp as your body plummets to a early death. Sero forceses has infected all your ship mates. Sadly you had a worse fate. See your what most people call a immune. You can touch the seros without being infected and turned into one. So when the seros found out your immune they just shot you and therw you down the trash shoot. As you fall believing your about to die. You hear a explosion the. Surviveing crew of the ship around 1000 if the once million strong men and woman. Are useing the escape pods. Your captain had set the ship to self destruct. But the clever sero. Cut the power. Lucky for you that means no gravity. You float out of the trash compactor with a saver wound and limp towards the escape pods there you find. More immune who suffered the same fate.

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