S02E33 Into Menzoberanzan Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

S02E33 Into Menzoberanzan Report

General Summary

The party gathers over dinner sharing stories and enjoying some much needed recovery time. As dinner winds down, Joseph shares some of his history with a particular focus on how he earned the nickname "the dragon."   By the 3rd morning, the group has prepared and is eager to head out.
Once they reach the city, they will separate into two groups, traveling near enough to come to aid, but attempting to be far enough apart not to be seen as a large group.   Grin, Joseph, Richter, and Mr. Garrick will travel in one group. Joseph and Grin will pose as slave owners with Richter as a slave. Mr. Garrick will travel in Richter's backpack hoping to possess a drow.   Alan, using disguise self will travel as a female drow with Gunther has her slave. Darry will, when possible pose as a slave or be invisible.   Grin tells them that the journey through the tunnel will take a few days - but the group has other plans; Gunther uses wind walk to cut the travel down to just under 2 hours.   As they open the door at the end of the passage, the group finds that they are about 60 feet below the surface of the city, inside the west rift.   The rift is filled with giant spiders and webs. Hoping to get a ride for everyone, Gunther talks to the spiders, convincing them that there is food on the surface. While this keeps them from attacking the party, it also sends several of them scurrying into the city, without any riders. Meanwhile, Darry flies to the surface, Alan dimension doors with Richter (leaving Mr. Garrick behind) & Joseph begins climbing with Mr. Garrick. Seeing there was no need for the spiders, Gunther transforms into a spider and climbs to the surface.   Before them is the city of Spiders, Menzoberranzan.
The cavern is 2 miles wide and over 100 feet hight. It's well light with faerie fire colors of different greens and blues. In the not to distant stands the giant pillar, Narbondel growing dim, indicating the passage of time.   The party decides they should first locate a base of operations, an inn or abandon house. Grim informs them of different options and they settle on getting a room in The Braeryn. They'll stand out the least in this section of town.   As they make their way through West Wall, it becomes clear to many of them that they are being followed but nothing comes of it.   As they reach the Bazaar, Alan pauses to shop for a silver necklace. Joseph spots a stall with some nice cloth wares and purchases a scarf to send home. While doing so, two mounted guards approach and begin asking about Richter - one of them is intent on purchasing him. Joseph's cover holds and the guards are dissuaded from their quest. As they leave, Mr. Garrick uses the moment to possess the drow merchant, trapping the drows soul in a jar and inhabiting his body.   Discussions about reconnoissance takes place and Grin warns that the tower of Sorcere is protected by Glyphs & Wards. Not to be dissuaded Alan decides to see what sort of security lies before them. With Gunther in tow, he heads towards Tier Breche and the tower. The plan is for Joseph to secure a place to stay and they will meet together in a few hours.   While traveling to The Braeryn, Joseph realizes that they are being followed by a guard - nay, someone posing as a city guard.   As they take a corner, Jospeh turns and waits for their tail to catch up. Catching him off guard, Joseph is direct with his questioning, asking how he is and why he is following.
The drow responds that he has been sent by his master to seek the ones who have come to rid the underdark of the demon lords. Satisfied with his answers, Joseph accepts his invitation to meet with the drow's leader and the party heads back toward West Wall.   Meanwhile, Alan and Gunther reach the base of the 300 foot steps leading up to Tier Breche. Rather than climb, he opts to use Dimension door to reach the top of the stairs. His sudden appearance garners a few looks from guards and other passer-by but his stern gaze keeps them from any questions.   Alan notes the position of the two guard platforms, various spider statues and the three buildings each holding a branch of the drow Academy. Entrance to Sorcere grounds is easy but the building itself is magically locked.   Having come this far, Alan decides to use his remaining magic to dimension door into the tower and look around.   The first floor appears to hold offices and study rooms - nothing of note. Making their way up the circular stairs, they find that the second floor houses the library. Alan blends in by browsing the books, pocketing a few spell books as he does so. As they pause to get a better understanding of the layout, they hear a commotion coming from the stairwell. It's also clear that the faculty has received some sort of message.   Guards flood the library and order everyone to the ground. As they begin examining everyone, it is apparent that they are seeking an intruder. While laying on the floor, Alan places behind him and adapts his disguise so that he will appear to be a student that will be examined after him.   A guard approaches, identifies him as a student and orders him to leave the tower; he does so. However, in spider form, and unnoticed, Gunther continues to explore the next two floors.   As the rest of the party returns to West Wall, they are taken to a broken down estate which they will later discover is House Do'Urden. Inside, they find what appears to be a mercenary army. A drow, complete with saber on his hip, a wide brimmed hat and an eye-patch greets them.

Rewards Granted

  • Several low-level spell books

Character(s) interacted with

  • Grim
  • 2 Drow merchants
  • Drow spy

Out of the Abyss
Report Date
24 Apr 2020
Primary Location
  • Virtual Attendance
  • Kevin (Mr. Garrick)
  • Korey (Richter)
  • Nick (Alan Cardew)
  • Carson (Gunther)
  • Bethany (Joseph)
  • Chris (Darry)

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