Session 22 Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 22 Report

General Summary

  • The party was attacked by the Ghost of Ayer Barett.
  • Ayer's Ghost eventually sent a massive wave full of debris at the party, damaging the boat and injuring Mei and Yinghua
  • Amanti and Yinghua healed Mei's leg, then the party searched for nearby civilization to seek out help and a doctor.
  • The party heads toward a village amongst the hills and bamboo forests.
  • The party is fixed up by the village doctor (Huyin), before heading to the village inn, which they discover is owned by Donovan's father (Yao Lufei). They bump into a young Yumalyan woman carrying a baby in a veil. Mei and Yinghua stay in the rooms while the party goes to buy supplies to fix the boat.
  • The party is interrupted by an elderly Elvish couple, who are interested in special artifacts from Cuiguo.
  • The party fixes up the boat, then hides it in a spot outside the village. Amanti conceals its presence with plant growth, and sprinkles purified water on it along with scrawling "Prince of Wolves" on it to deter Spirits. Fanna sets up an offering nearby to distract them.
  • The party returns to the inn and become acquainted with the woman. They learn her name is Daina and her baby's name is Mateo.
  • The party checks in on Mei and Yinghua, who are resting up. Yinghua tells the party how she worries about Mei, and that she doesn't seem happy with the Atracidae. She declined becoming a higher-ranking member because they are not allowed to have partners, and Yinghua can tell Mei is still in love with another man--Donovan. She reveals how Donovan suddenly ditched her one morning, telling her that he didn't actually love her, before leaving.
  • The party goes to bed. Amanti has a dream of a younger Donovan and his mother, where Donovan fashions a gift for his mother, only to lose it and be unable to find it.
  • Amanti heads out into the garden next to the inn, followed by Thien and Fanna. Amanti tries to find Donovan's gift for his mother, enlisting Thien and Fanna's help. They are unsuccessful.
  • Fanna tells Donovan's father how they met his son. He mentions how Donovan hasn't visited in years. The younger generation in Lidong is going to the city in droves because they are uninterested in working in the fields. Fanna tries to give Donovan's father 20 gold to encourage him to visit his son.
  • They are interrupted by the shopowner (Gui Wu), who asks Donovan's father for some money. Annoyed, he pulls the shopowner into a brief conversation.
  • Fanna once again encourages Donovan's father to visit him or send him a gift, such as tea or honey. They offer to deliver gifts to Donovan also.
  • Donovan's father begins escorting Daina and her baby to the monthly village meeting, which he is a councilmember for. The party notices the baby has a veil concealing its face. Fanna lifts the veil to try and investigate the baby.
  • Daina is frightened and immediately clutches her baby. Donovan's father becomes furious and leans into Fanna, asking them what they just did. Daina assures him the baby is unharmed.
  • Donovan's father, now no longer trustful of Fanna, insists the party accompany him to the village meeting. The session ends with the town crier announcing the commencing of the meeting and villagers beginning to stream toward the meetinghouse.

Rewards Granted

  • -20 gold (given to Donovan's father), -18 silver (payment for staying at the inn for one night)
  • -1 use of incense. 2 uses left.

Character(s) interacted with

Ayer Barrett's Ghost, Mei, Yinghua, Lidong Guard, Huyin, Yao Lufei, Daina, Mateo, Gui Wu

Woven World Campaign
Report Date
07 Aug 2023

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