Session 16 Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 16 Report

General Summary

After collecting trading cards of the arena fighters from the Tigers of Nam, the party went back to their inn to go to sleep. When they woke up and went downstairs for breakfast, the encountered Iskra, the waitress from the Yumalyan restuarant they frequented in Shuixiu. She was revealed to be drinking Orappilk, much to her embarassment, and explained how it's a very divisive cuisine. Nadyn assured her, revealing that he enjoys the drink himself.   The party bid Iskra farewell, and finished their breakfast, before heading out. As they stepped outside, the bumped into two figures: Liu the aarakocra and Yansong the dwarf, two members of an adventuring party that Michael is in contact with. They asked the party if they were okay, as they saw them fighting off the Tigers of Nam the previous day. The two received a cold reception from most of the party, and Thien grew angry after they accidentally made a distasteful remark about his home province of Nam. Though seemingly an annoyance in the party's side, they did offer valuable information: The Tigers of Nam had been going to shops and asking if anyone had sold a specific necklace, or seen anyone fitting Fanna's description. With this information, the parties exchanged names (though only Amanti and Nadyn supplied their real names) and parted.   Then, the party encountered Thien's parents. The middle aged couple immediately surrounded Thien with hugs, which he gladly reciprocated. They excitedly started talking about their experience in the capital, from sight-seeing to shopping. As the party walked to the colosseum to meet up with Donovan, they witnessed Thien and his parents reconnect. Thien's parents were very kindhearted, devoted, and full of genuine love for their sole son, and surprisingly nimble for an older couple. They even witnessed a heartwarming moment where Thien and his father assured the mother, who was self-conscious about her weight, that she looked just fine as is.   After being turned away from the colosseum, as they had arrived too early, the party and Thien's parents decided to walk around some more. The party witnessed the mother's fearsome prowess in kite battles, with the father and Fanna capitalizing on the betting to rake in some extra cash. After that, they took a walk around the park. They mentioned how they weren't sure what plants to add in their new backyard, and Amanti offered his own expertise. They gratefully accepted it, with the father dutifully taking notes. Overhearing this conversation, Mei, who was revealed to be a park caretaker joined. She greeted the party and Thien's parents, and offered her own advice for their query. After which, she bid the party farewell, leaving them with a knowing smile and telling them that she'd see them soon.   Deciding to have something to eat, the party headed toward a cafe. On their way there, Nadyn got tangled up in some fabric that was hung up. Amanti and Fanna rushed to help him, though in Nadyn's struggle were hit by a few of the boxes that Nadyn knocked over. Once untangled, Thien's parents rushed him and treated his wounds. He claimed he was fine, but ended up bursting into tears when they asked if he was sure.   While eating at the cafe, Thien's parents began to tell stories of his youth. Amanti joined in, revealing himself to have actually been Nadyn's parents the entire time. Thien's parents were taken aback, and paused to double check with Thien. He promptly explained how Amanti was a deadbeat dad, and Nadyn had been estranged from him for sometime.   Suddenly, Nadyn got up and announced he would be right back, then calling Amanti over to talk to him in a nearby alleyway. There, Nadyn confronted Amanti. Where was his brother, who was also pulled away into the civil war? Why didn't he check if he was okay after being tangled in the fabric? Amanti's answers--how he didn't end up finding Nadyn's brother, and that he thought he was fine since Thien's parents were checking on him--didn't satisfy Nadyn, and he ended up frustrated and in tears. Amanti tried to assure him, saying that they still had hope, but Nadyn grew angrier, as it was something that his mother had said.   Nadyn broke down even more, lamenting how the closest thing he had to a family was his companions in the army, but that they were gone and he couldn't return to them. He rushed to Brooks, asking him for the sending stone that Michael gave them. He ran back to the alleyway, holding the stone up to his face in anguish and crying. In the end, however, he dropped the stone, saying that he couldn't call Michael. He shakily got to his feet, said that he'd meet the party later at the colosseum, and ran off.

Woven World Campaign
Report Date
06 Jan 2023

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