Session 9 Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 9 Report

General Summary

The party had left off in Kasha's village, having previously helped save her village from starvation and a neighboring Kobold village from enslavement. After staying the night, Amanti and Brooks were presented with special armor from the villagers. After equipping it, the villagers presented them with breakfast: Large, freshly caught uncooked fish. Fanna was grossed out and rejected the offering.   The party returned to their boat and set off. After some banter, Fanna threw a stone at Brooks' face, where it bounced off harmlessly. As they rowed, Nadyn decided to try and practice his wildshape. Fanna encouraged him, and Nadyn ended up being the most successful he had ever been wildshaping. Some more banter ensued, and Fanna attempted to hit Brooks with an oar, this time with less success.   Eventually, in the early afternoon, the party arrived at Ayer's weapons factory. After docking their boat, they decided to sneak in through the loading area. As they snuck through the undergrowth, Fanna tripped, nearly blowing their cover, but Nadyn grabbed them and stopped their fall.   After some deliberation, Fanna created the image of a massive, monstrous bear to distract the guards. Most of the guards chased after it, leaving just one manning the entrance. Though spotted, they quickly dispatched of him, and managed to assure a suspicious guard that nothing was amiss.   The party began trekking through the massive factory, led by Fanna, now disguised as the guard they had incapacitated doing their best to remain unnoticed. Through a conversation with a worker, they found out Ayer's secretary resided on the second floor, and that the guard they were disguised as was named Charles. After this conversation, Nadyn tripped over a wire, injuring his knee, and causing him to limp for several turns. Then, a worker bumped into Fanna and Thien, causing her to spill all of the mechanical parts she was holding. She apologized, with Fanna and Thien rushing to assure her it was okay. However, the two eventually started arguing, with a guard turning the corner right as Fanna slapped Thien. The guard questioned Fanna, and the inconsistencies in Charles' shift and sexuality. With Thien's acting skills, the guard was suitable convinced of "Charles'" homosexuality, and resumed his pace. Nadyn's injury was eventually healed, and the party got to the stairs leading to the second floor. There, Fanna successfully used Charm Person on the two guards, and the party was able to advance without any fuss.   As the party emerged on the second floor, they briefly caught a glimpse of Ayer, but before they could do anything, he went through the doors to the third floor, where his office was. After taking a moment to plan, the party walked into the office of Ayer's secretary. Fanna, still disguised as Charles, attempted to persuade her in letting them through to the next floor. Their attempts at persuasion failed, leading to another use of Charm Person. The secretary passed the save, however, and dived for a button on the wall, which would presumably have alerted the guards, but a Thorn Whip from Amanti stopped her. The party knocked her out, stole her clothes, and hid the body, before taking the keys to the door. Fanna disguised themselves as the secretary and talked to the guards, who let the party through.   Leading to Ayer's office was a long hallway, and as they walked, Nadyn asked Amanti if he had ever found his mother, Amanti's wife. Amanti told him he had not, and Nadyn, after a moment of sadness, nervously assured himself that killing Ayer would help make him happy in the face of his mother's disappearance. Thien told him now was not the time to have this conversation, and then the party finally emerged in Ayer's room.   Fanna once again took the lead, walking forward and telling Ayer that there was a cave-in in a mine that needed to be addressed. Ayer, however, was not fooled, and summoned two golems to deal with the party. Fanna, now knowing their cover had been blown, successfully casted Slow on him. Thien took a shot at Ayer, but it missed, the arrow instead bouncing off the window behind him, where the River Dragon's Pearl was displayed.   A grueling fight ensued. Thien and Nadyn took on the golems, Brooks shot at Ayer from afar, and Amanti supporting the party with spells from his Wildfire Spirit. Ayer, being the head of a weapons manufacturing company, was no pushover in combat. The floor in his office was trapped, and the cane he had been walking around with doubled as a gun, managing to paralyze Brooks with needles infused with poison. He even attempted to use the grappling hook built into his cane to grab the paralyzed Brooks, but Fanna, who had run up to Ayer to face him head on, was able to stop him from getting a good hit on Brooks, even if it meant he was victim to a trap.   After taking down some of his HP, Fanna slashed at Ayer's groin, where it was revealed he was wearing a suit of armor underneath. Ayer triumphantly ripped off the formal clothes he had been wearing, fully exposing the shiny, intricately crafted armor that was underneath. Ayer then unloaded a maximum damage second level magic missile into Fanna. The next turn, he mercilessly landed two gauntlet attacks on Fanna, knocking them unconscious.   Ayer's victory was short-lived, though, as Fanna was able to get back up with healing from the party. A desperate Ayer summoned magical light fixtures from the walls to zap the party, but the clever Thien took out two of them, before dealing massive damage to Ayer with his precise shots. The Wildfire Spirit finished the battered Ayer off with a spell, and the party was victorious.   Suddenly, before the party could do anything else, Nadyn ran up to Ayer's body, his disposition noticeably off. He then took out his quarterstaff and started slamming it into the corpse's skull, cracking it. The party looked on in horror as Nadyn continued beating his skull with the quarterstaff, splattering blood and bits of brain matter across himself and the floor. Amanti rushed to stop Nadyn, interrupting one of his swings before he could pulverize Ayer's head even further.   It was at this point the party noticed a figure standing in the doorway. It was the secretary that they had knocked unconscious, screaming.

Rewards Granted

  • Kobold Village's Armor
  • Pearl Necklace
  • River Dragon's Pearl
  • Ayer Barrett's Cane

Character(s) interacted with

  • Charles the gay guard/floor worker
  • Oria Soneir, the poor secretary of Ayer
  • Ayer Barrett

Woven World Campaign
Report Date
30 May 2022

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