Session 19 Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 19 Report

General Summary

The session began with the party waking up and going downstairs to get breakfast. They briefly chatted with Iskra, who asked the party if they knew anything about the Empress' appearance and the Ginkgo Tree Park at 6pm that evening. They hadn't, but figured it was a good idea to check it out. Iskra nodded, and after finishing her breakfast bid the party farewell in the hope that they'd see each other later.   The party then went to the Ginkgo Tree Park to meet up with Mei as her secret message the night before had instructed. They found her sweeping around at the base of the tree. She led them to the back, then, after everyone linked hands, she walked them through a secret entrance in the tree, being transported in the canopy of a tree in a large forest. She quickly asked them how their mission to Ayer Barrett's factory went. After some hesitation, the party admitted they had killed them. Satisfied, Mei then briefed them on their next mission: They were to go to a protected stretch of land in the province of Anshan, where there were reports from an informant that rising levels of malicious energy and monster activity was happening. They would try and find the cause of, and if possible, stop the cause of this anomaly. They would be accompanied by another member of the Atracidae, Yinghua, another women similar to Mei's age. Finally, it was suspected that the cause of this was Corrupted Threads--manifestations of malicious and negative energy, the remaining pieces of the original creations that The Weaver had made at the beginning of the universe.   Mei reaffirmed their mission of protecting the environment upon Fanna's questioning, and told the party she'd see them the next morning. She then lead the party back to the park, where they separated.   Next, they went to Donovan's apartment. They found it to be empty, and were let in by the magical plants in his apartment. After looking around the rooms and gradually realizing his very depressive lifestyle, they eventually found themselves in his bedroom, where an in-progress letter was lying on his desk. At the prodding of his plants, they examined the letter, revealing how he'd been struggling the past month and had been unable to meet up with his friends as he used to.   Just then, Donovan finally came back. After nearly shooting Fanna with the grabber option on his gun, he asked the party what they were doing in his apartment. To his exasperation, they explained the plants had let him in. Fanna then relayed the message his friends had asked them to relay--That they would like to hang out with again, as they had not talked in a while. Donovan insisted that he couldn't, as he had work to do tonight, but a high insight check revealed that deep down he reciprocated the feelings and indeed missed spending time with him.   Fanna asked if there was any way they could help him so he had less work to do. Donovan protested, but his plants shut him down. After a moment of thinking, he did come up with a task for the party: In Anshan, in the same protected stretch of land Mei wanted the party to go to, he needed some special plants from there. He gave the party a written pass with his signature, and a bag to preserve the plants, to assist them with their trask. He also took their spell foci, promising he'd return them back to the party the next morning, and gave them temporary spell foci in the meantime. The party bought lunch for Donovan, and bid him farewell.   The party then went to visit the tailor. After speaking with the tailor's receptionist, Cillian, they were able to make a walk-in appointment. They stepped on a teleportation sigil and were transported to the tailor Sangshu's domain. They greeted the party, and asked what they were seeking, offering their services and prices. After making their requests, Fanna tried asking for a discount, and was promptly shut down by Sangshu. They did, however, trade in secrets, and were willing to make a discount for a secret from the party, such as past regrets, sins, secret desires, or other stuff of that matter. None of the party were willing to take up on that offer except for Amanti. After separating the rest of the party from Amanti, Sangshu then heard how Amanti made plans with his wife to escape the Yumalyan Civil War, where she would eventually come back to Amanti and the rest of his family when she had found somewhere else safe to live. However, she never came back, and now Amanti doesn't know if her and his other son were still alive. Sangshu thanked Amanti, then let him go to the rest of the party.   The party left the tailor, and on their way out, saw Donovan rush in, where he asked to speak with Cillian privately.   As they walked around the city, they stumbled upon an ampitheatre with a very worried looking director pacing around. He told the party of how he was missing some important actors, and they couldn't rehearse without them. Fanna volunteered to be a temporary replacement, and Amanti and Brooks begrudgingly agreed to also help. There, they helped act out the three important scenes that needed to be rehearsed, though not with some lines being forgotten at the end.   At the end, they found themselves approached by Michael, who congratulated the party on their "acting," before asking them when they would like to hand Nadyn over to him for his mentoring deal, as previously agreed on. They agreed to do the handoff the next morning at 9am, and payment would be one gold for every week Nadyn stayed with Michael. Both parties agreed to the deal, and the party headed off to their next destination.

Character(s) interacted with

Iskra, Mei, Yinghua, Donovan, Cillian, Sangshu, Michael

Woven World Campaign
Report Date
21 May 2023

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