Session 1: A Cold Frosty Morning Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 1: A Cold Frosty Morning

General Summary

GM Summary

1st Day of Brauzeit, 2511 IC Time: Dawn Weather: Chilly and overcast with occasional snow flurries.   Dawns light forced an inevitable entrance through the gaps in the shutters of the Jaegerhaus, until reluctantly Felix and Rom could no longer ignore the fact that a new day had begun and grudgingly got up and dressed.

Character Brief

(GM To Felix Schwarzdorn): Frau Jaeger has been awake and moving around the cottage since before dawn lighting the stove, cooking breakfast and feeding their baby, and you are woken by the constant chatter of their young daughter Ilsa as she helps her mother lay the table and prepare the food.
(GM To Romerich Jaeger): Hilda has been awake and moving around the cottage since before dawn lighting the stove, cooking breakfast and feeding baby Bertholdt, and you can hear the constant chatter of your young daughter Ilsa as she helps her mother lay the table and prepare the food.
(GM To Felix Schwarzdorn): Finally satisfied that you are presentable you enter the living room and wish Frau Jaeger good morning.

Game Log - Breakfast in the Jaegerhaas

Felix Schwarzdorn takes a seat and nods. "Good Morning Frau Jaegar. And my sincerest thanks once again for putting a roof over my head last night." Hilda: "You're welcome, we often take lodgers in. I hope you haven’t got far to travel.
(GM To Felix Schwarzdorn): You are required to deliver a sealed note to Matthias von Jungfreud at Hugeldal. You were basically told by the Graf's steward who gave you the note that there was trouble at the mine, and you were to arrest the troublemakers.
Felix Schwarzdorn shakes his head. "Not too far thankfully, especially given the weather." he says, glancing across at one of the windows and outside. "Just a quick trek over to Hugeldal. Shouldn't take more than a couple of hours."   Hilda: ‘I’m sure Rom won’t be long. It always takes him a while to get going in the morning.' She begins to lay the breakfast. Rolls, local cheese, cold meat and preserves. Her four-year-old daughter Ilsa helps being careful to avoid staring at you if she thinks you are looking.   Hilda: ‘It’s another cold day, but at least the storm has lifted and the snow seems to be stopping.’
Romerich Jaeger spends a while sitting on his bed rubbing his face with his hand trying to motivate himself to face the job he hates so much. Not being able to put it off any longer he gets up and steps into the room looking a little dishevelled his clothes lazily thrown on and his hair an unkempt mess.
Romerich Jaeger: 'Mornin...
Romerich is clearly not in the mood for any serious conversation his head still thick from drink the night before. Felix Schwarzdorn gives Rom a nod as he enters the room by way of greeting.
Hilda: "Morning Pigsy. It seems that Rhya was determined to ruin our day yesterday."   Ilsa scowls: ‘She’s nasty, I don’t like her anymore.’ she snaps screwing up her nose in disgust.   Hilda: ‘Shh! Pigsy. You mustn’t say things like that. She might be listening.’ scolds her mother whilst hoping she isn't.   Ilsa pouts and goes into a sulk   Romerich Jaeger sits down at the table "Did you sleep alright?" he asks Felix   Felix Schwarzdorn nods once more. "Very well thank you, and even better still when I consider what sleeping outdoors in this weather would have been like. The hospitality of you and your family is most appreciated"   Romerich Jaeger: ain't much but it's comfortable enough...
Romerich Jaeger pauses clearly a little annoyed at his situation despite you being so kind about it.
Hilda: "Are you going to Hugeldal today, it is Bezahltag. Your father will want you to pick up another load of pigs?"
(GM To Romerich Jaeger): She means pigs of iron as in metal.
Romerich Jaeger grunts audibly clearly annoyed.   Hilda: "Well if you don't go you know he will send your brother, and he's so cruel to poor Ballard."
(GM To Romerich Jaeger): Ballard is the cart horse.
Romerich Jaeger: I'm meant to be his damn apprentice and he's never taught me a know I could do so much more for this family we could have a nicer place then this but he's happy to just let us rot here... Romerich Jaeger clearly repeating arguments they have had multiple times.   Ilsa decides she has sulked for long enough. Ilsa: "You have a beard." She says staring fixedly at Felix. Ilsa: "Papa! has a beard. But yours is better." she adds after careful consideration.   Hilda quickly interjects to distract Felix from her daughter's unwanted observations "Have you got far to travel today Herr Schwarzdorn,...Oh! Sorry you said didn't you?" she adds embarrassed.
Hilda smiles at Rom hoping he'll help her out, but he says nothing.
Hilda: "Herr Schwarzdorn is going to Hugeldal too, you could give him a ride." she finally suggests. Romerich Jaeger nods.
Hilda smiles happy to have sorted Rom's day for him.   Romerich Jaeger: "Save you walking..." he mutters looking up at Felix.   "Well, if you're sure it isn't any trouble?" replies Felix   Romerich Jaeger shrugs and grunts dismissively. "As she says I'm going that ways. You aren't the one causing me any trouble it's my old man who is forcing me to make damn deliveries all day everyday."
Romerich Jaeger seems sincere that he doesn't mind you tagging along but seems to be in low spirits.
"And don't forget to visit Ulric's shrine before you set out. I want you to have his protection, so I've set aside some ale for him. DON'T Drink it yourself." warns Hilda placing a small jug of ale on the table in front of her husband.   "Ok got it...don't drink the ale. What if Ulric isn't thirsty though..." Rom replies with a wink at Felix clearly joking.
Hilda laughs at the thought of Ulric not being thirsty.
Rom finishes eating his breakfast "Thank you for breakfast but we really ought to go eh...Schwarzdorn?" It took Rom a moment to remember Felix's last name and Hilda grins at her husbands attempt to be polite.   Felix Schwarzdorn nods as he rises from his seat at the table. "Indeed, no sense in putting off braving the cold any longer I suppose"
Hilda hurries over to a chest in the corner and pulls out a big bundle of fur.
"You'll need to take your wolfskin cloak and hat." she says holding them out for Rom to put on. "It's still cold out there." Romerich Jaeger gives Hilda a slight shrug but doesn't argue putting the cloak and hat on. "Always looking out for me this one..."
[GM] The cloak is made of wolfskin, and the hat also. Rom now looks like a Kislevite.
Rom gives his wife a quick kiss goodbye and heads towards the door. "Did you need any food for the journey?" asks Hilda as she sees them planning to leave.   Felix Schwarzdorn smiles at this, before turning to Frau Jaegar once more. "Thank you once again, Frau Jaeger," he says, before following Rom out.   Hilda Runs after them and thrusts the small jug at Rom "You forgot Ulric's ale she says with a frown."   "You really don't need to worry so much..." Rom scolds taking the jug off her. "And I'm sure they have food in Hugeldal I'll pick something up once we arrive." Rom says giving her an amused smile at the fact that she is fussing so much.   "If you say so," she says, "And stay away from those Strigany people." "And be nice to Ulric you know he doesn't like men who sulk." Hilda stops talking and looks worried.   Rom frowns thinking that he's justified in being discontent with his situation.
Ilsa clings to Hilda's skirt and waves as her father walks away. Then the baby starts crying and they both go back into the cottage and close the door

GM Briefing - Messingen Village

GM 1st Day of Brauzeit, 2511 IC Time: Early Morning Weather: Chilly and overcast the air mists your breath. Group Observation Check (Felix: 2 Observations Romerich 0 Observations)
Felix Schwarzdorn: Glances up and down the village street. The elderly Sigmarite priest who delayed the ceremony yesterday is approaching supported by two young boys. Further down the street, you can see two well to do villagers discussing something in the street. The thinner man holds some papers for the other to read.
(GM To Romerich Jaeger:) Ballard (The Horse) is quartered in Spring Field at the far end of the village. Ulric's shrine is in the woods nearby.
Romerich Jaeger heads towards the woods and the shrine to Ulric. Taking the time to head over to an apple tree and quickly dig through a patch of snow to find a couple that have fallen before continuing to the shrine. "Going to need a couple of these for the horse. It's less of a morning person then I am..." he explains to Felix.
You begin to make your way along the street. The village is just a single road lined with cottages.
Felix grins at Rom "Ah I see. I had thought for a moment that you might be planning on making a bit of cider to go along with that ale for Ulric"   Romerich grins "I'll save the ciders for when we reach Hugeldal" he replies.
Rom and Felix walk through the village finally reaching the shrine hidden in the woods just beyond the far end of the village.
Rom holds out the jug awkwardly not really sure how to get Ulric's attention. "You know I always come out here then have no idea what to say..." he admits to Felix
(GM): There should be a summary of a ritual for the gods in the folders.
Felix shrugs with a slight smile. "How about...'Morning Ulric, here's some ale for you, be sure not to drink it at once or you might not be able to walk straight come lunchtime?"   Rom grins at Felix "Don't think that's what my wife wanted me to tell him somehow."
(GM): Basically, just get Ulric's attention, ask him for protection and pour him the ale. (GM): You might try howling like a wolf, that might work.
"Uhmmm...well...I hope you accept this offering of ale so that I might have a safe journey through the snow....and protect my family whilst I am gone..." he finally mutters pouring the ale into the sacrificial bowl. Felix smiles "Guess that works too" "Yeah..." admits Rom not really sure if it was enough.
(GM) There was no response from Ulric. Let's hope he was listening and impressed by the offering.
Romerich Jaeger stands there for a second before turning around and heading back towards Spring Pasture to collect the horse.
(GM) As you emerge from Missenwald Wood the herdsman 'Wolf' doffs his cap to you, "Morning Herr Jaeger" he says bowing slightly "I put yer 'orse in the barn last night as it was so cold like, ope thats alright with you." Wolf Looks at Rom expectantly ignoring Felix.
(GM): Wolf is a labourer and therefore a lower class than you.
"Good morning, of course...I should have done it myself but I guess it must have slipped my mind. Thank much harder to pull the cart with a frozen horse." grins Rom   Wolf laughs dutifully at the joke."That it would master, that it surely would." he replies continuing to hover expectantly,   Rom fishes around in his pocket and produces a couple of pence and hands them over to the man. Wolf doffs his cap again. and accepts the money. "Thankee master, anything else you need you just let me know. Ulric's blessing on you master." he says doffing his cap again and backing off. "and on you Wolf..." replies Rom starting to head off towards the barn where the man put his horse.
(GM) You arrive at the barn and quickly find Ballard. Now you need to take the horse back to the armoury to harness her to the cart.
Romerich Jaeger pats the horse and gives it one of the apples before leading it out of the barn towards the armoury. Ballard follows quite happily despite the cold.
Romerich Jaeger makes small talk on the way to the armoury knowing it's a little ways off.
(GM)There is a small crowd gathered outside Doctor Blachers house
"So any particular reason you're heading to Hugeldal? You don't look like a miner." asks Rom.
(GM): Group Observation Check Felix 0 Observations Romerich 2 Observations (To Romerich Jaeger): You notice Karl Teuber heading back to his house after visiting the Manor House. He's a thin spiteful little man who keeps the towns tax records, so today is a busy day for him.
Felix shakes his head "You'd be correct, I'm not a miner" He produces a missive from a pocket and holds it up. "Once I get this delivered, I should have a better idea of what business there is to be done". Rom glances at the sealed note in Felix's hand "Not sure what you're here for then? huh." he notes.
Romerich Jaeger gets distracted by a man heading to the Manor house. Rom raises a hand in greeting "Good Morning Herr Teuber. Got a busy day planned?" he asks with fake interest.
(GM): You see Lukas rather foolishly approach Karl and obviously ask him for money. Karl snaps angrily at him and steps past leaving him with his hand out. (GM): Lukas is the towns beggar and supposedly a war veteran. His wife died in childbirth last year leaving him with a baby to look after alone.
"Always busy Herr Jaeger, unlike some." He says glancing a Lukas. before scuttling over towards the stall of one of the local traders.
Romerich Jaeger continues down the road towards the armoury.
(GM) The armoury is a complex of buildings that includes Rom's cottage and his father's house. surrounding a central courtyard where the work is carried out.
Romerich Jaeger leads the horse over to the cart.
(GM) As you harness Ballard to the cart and prepare to leave your father and brother emerge from the workshop.
Romerich Jaeger huffs to himself clearly hoping to avoid any confrontations.   Rom's father Earnst Jaeger speaks first: "Ah! you about to leave. Good! Good! watch the roads in this weather."   "Ain't much else to watch..." growls Rom   Earnst is used to his son's moods "Well just be careful. There's trouble at Hugeldal so I hear."   "Those miners are always causing a ruckus I'm sure it's nothing." Romerich Jaeger says double-checking the cart is secured properly and that everything is ready to go.   "Hopefully your right, but Herr Bruckner told me there was a messenger through here the day before yesterday heading for Black Rock with an urgent request for assistance." warns Earnst."Seems something has panicked Master Matthias."   Romerich Jaeger looks at Felix then at Ernst for the first time since he arrived. "Well I've got an extra pair of eyes on the road today so I'm sure we will be fine."
Ernst nods to Felix and waits to be introduced.
Romerich Jaeger realises that he probably should have done that already. "This is Herr Schwarzdorn I'm giving him a ride into Hugeldal..." he finally explains Romerich Jaeger gestures to the man next to him and then gestures at his dad "This is my father Ernst..." he explains to Felix 'Probably not a good time to visit' he says to Felix frowning.   Felix Schwarzdorn extends a hand toward Ernst "A pleasure meeting you Herr Jaeger" He pauses for a moment before adding "And unfortunately business takes me to Hugeldal, no way around it I'm afraid"   "Then I can only repeat what I said to my son. Be careful and may Sigmar watch over you." replies Ernst.
Session 1 Ends

Rewards Granted

Rom: Reputation +1 Wolf and the Braun Family for appropriate tipping. Rom: Alignment +1 Lawful for praying to Ulric and treating lower classes with respect.

Missions/Quests Completed

Harnessed the Wagon

Character(s) interacted with

Wolfhilda Jaeger - Rom's Wife, Ilsa Jaeger - Rom's Daughter, Bertoldo Jaeger - Rom's Son, Ernst Jaegar - Rom's Father (Village Armourer), Wolf Braun - Herdsman, Lukas Braun - Single Parent (Beggar), Karl Tauber - Village Scribe, Ballard - The Cart Horse,

On Roll20
Trouble in Black Rock
Report Date
27 Feb 2019

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