City Resistance - Part 2 Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

City Resistance - Part 2 Report

General Summary

After rescuing Zlata, the leader of the resistance, from a set of spiked devils, the party returned to the Yawning Harpy Inn to rest and recover. Having spent the evening outside, Brunhilde and Leonard woke covered in a thin sheen of coppery-smelling red liquid. Leonard seemed particularly interested in grooming as much as possible off of his fur (feathers). Some investigation of the surrounding area revealed that the nightly sinister red mist may be coming from the sewers beneath the city.   As the party further investigated, they came upon a tenement house, the proprietor of which was being more-or-less accosted by two red-clad priests. The tenement owner informed the party that the Cult of Asmodeus was interested in buying his building, but that he was not interested in selling. Regardless, he was starting to become concerned about the pressures the Cult was beginning to exert in the city. (His young daughter, a burgeoning painter, also showed Fig a cute painting she'd made of the city).   Continuing their investigation, the party happened upon several children who knew the Magician well. A young girl tearfully informed the Magician that another child, Lydia, had gone missing. Immediately driven to defend the children of Low Falon, the Magician led the party to a known entrance to the sewers, where children often hid (themselves, or pick-pocketed valuables).   Upon entering the sewers, they found a section blocked off by both locked portcullises and a deep, magical darkness. Intrigued, the Magician's familiar, Snoot, dove into the darkness. Though unable to discern the true shape or meaning of what Snoot was experiencing, the sheer evil being reveled in within the darkness made the Magician lose her breakfast.   The party explored the sewers, avoiding a spider's nest, but happening upon a surprisingly clean room (for a sewer). After a fight with two gelatinous cubes and a black pudding, the party continued their trek...

The Madness of Princess Euna
Report Date
14 Aug 2021

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