The Labyrinth & the Dragon Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

The Labyrinth & the Dragon

General Summary

In the Kingdom of Falondis, there are murmurings of political upheaval and public discord. The king has died, the crown princess is missing, and the regent is all but despised. Rumors abound regarding the location of beloved Princess Euna, but many believe she has been taken prisoner by a dragon and is being kept in a small keep, surrounded by desolation.   Our party members find themselves drawn together by rumor and the promise of “Extreme Danger; Substantial Reward” in a run-down tavern in the town of Rosenhall. A posting on the job board leads them to a lavish town home surrounded by wrought iron gates decorated with an intricate eye motif. A pair of guards ushers the party into the home, where they are promptly subjected to a sprawling labyrinth filled with traps and monsters. After cautiously finding their way through the maze’s deadly threats, defeating two imps, and nearly being ambushed by an abominable grell, the party members find themselves condescendingly congratulated by a shady half-elf.   The Duke of the Ragged Tower claims to be the betrothed of Princess Euna and reveals that she has indeed been kidnapped by a dragon. The Duke promises the adventurers each a boon upon the successful completion of his quest: kill the dragon, disable the magical barrier upon the keep, return the princess unharmed. Though suspicious, the party agrees to his terms.   A quick teleportation ritual later, the party is faced with a small keep surrounded by desolation. Upon entering the tower, they fight valiantly to slay the red dragon, which eventually tumbles to the floor with a shuddering explosion. The tower stairs end at a trapdoor, which the intrepid adventurers do not hesitate to open. Princess Euna reveals herself to the party, a gorgeous, svelte woman dripping with jewels and tears of relief. She confirms that the Duke that hired them is indeed her fiance and she begs the party to return her to him. She leads them down the stairs swiftly to an inner wall of the tower and a quick press of a secret button reveals a hidden nook. Upon a pedestal is a glowing white mote of light, circled by rings, which rotate in a gyroscopic motion, no surface touching another. Princess Euna seizes one of the rings and smashes the magical device against the floor, breaking the magical barrier upon the keep. When she turns, it is clear that she is not the innocent princess the party assumed they were rescuing.   The Duke of the Ragged Tower appears behind the party with a haughty greeting, presenting each with a twisted interpretation of his promised boon. Princess Euna takes his arm, eyes still shining with a manic and calculating light, and the two vanish into the ether with little more than a cursory warning of the tower’s impending collapse.

Missions/Quests Completed

"Save" the princess.

Character(s) interacted with

Duke of the Ragged Tower
Princess Euna de Falondis