City Resistance - Part 1 Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

City Resistance - Part 1 Report

General Summary

The party attended a meeting of the “resistance” in the basement of the Yawning Harpy Inn in the slums of the capital city, Falon. There, the leader of the resistance, Zlata, a half-orc palace guard, and Enet, a nondescript half-elf woman known to be a part of the Thieves’ Guild, presented a potential plan to sabotage the royal wedding coming up in the next few days. The party chose to steal invitations from a local noble family’s home by posing as a tutor and guard (Fig and Threeka respectively) . With some intervention/“help” by the Magician’s familiar, the invitations were retrieved and four copies were forged successfully. Meanwhile, Brunhilde and her (owl)bear companion discovered that the city was plagued by many infernal creatures. Upon attempting to follow up with Zlata, the party found her mortally wounded in her home, beset by two devils, which the party dispatched.

The Madness of Princess Euna
Report Date
06 Jul 2019
Primary Location

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