Splitting the Party in the Summer Canopy Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Splitting the Party in the Summer Canopy

General Summary

As Stars and the party's new guide, Jessala Songlark, searched for a way into the Summer Canopy, disaster struck in the form of an unstable portal, which split the party and those remaining were left to seek their friends once more. Another, more stable portal was found in the form of a pool of water and remaining heroes made their way through, finding a curious aaracokra monk smelling strongly of hops on the other side. Shabakar joined the party with an offer of assistance and tasty beverages.

Assistance also came in the form of a thri-kreen village, where a brief and peaceful interaction informed the party that their friends had been seen and were also possibly injured.

Through some difficult search in the dangerous, giant tropical terrain of the Canopy, our party fought a Corpse Flower that had eaten two of the refugees from the Magpie Queen. Upon defeating the monstrosity, they were able to follow a trail of blood to where Lysanthir lay half-dead at the outskirts of a magical campsite.

Lysanthir groggily warned them of approaching the camp as Corus helped staunch the bloodflow. Around the bright fire ahead were several of the missing party members, including Seirilia and Prince Edmund, dancing to the lively tune of some spectral instruments. Attacking the instruments immediately killed one of the refugees also dancing and damaged their friends. Though Hox fell victim to the charmed music, Corus and Kepesk were able to bind their missing party members and began to drag them away. Some harried searching of the camp later, Stars burned down a dilapidated tent holding valuables and a skeleton, destroying the charm spell in the process.

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Reunited with the missing party members.

Character(s) interacted with

  • Leader Ch’ltk’ak - head of the thri-kreen village, granted Bear's Endurance to the party after a peaceful interaction

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