Session 5: Dungeons of St:Nick Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 5: Dungeons of St:Nick

General Summary

In the Sleepy Bastards Inn Thomas Torkenmad, the Cavalier of the Order of the Dragon, Sarai Chezzu, a Tengu Druid, and Shinecatcher, a gnome Alchemist, were sitting next to a giant dinosaur skull, talking about how Thomas had some time ago managed to slay three huge dinosaurs with the aid of some other adventurers. In the middle of their conversation, a woman, a witch, along with her pet fox enters the inn. This woman's name was Rindin and the fox's name was Wapapa. She approached the table of Thomas, Sarai, and Shinecatcher, and introduced herself merrily before sitting down with them. As they were speaking a small creature crawls out of the tunnel entrance to Undertown. Out crawled a red-scaled kobold named Quimm, a kobold Sorcerer. He crept up to the dino skull, lit some candles around it, kneeled, and started to pray to it in draconic. The people at the table took notice. Rindin who spoke draconic begun to speak with the kobold, who took little interest and focused on his prayers.    After a while, the odd group decides to go on a mission together, even the kobold. They find a request by a dwarven merchant who needs adventurers to retrieve an item from his summer castle up north. The castle had been attacked and taken over by a dark force and the item was very dear to him. The item in question was a small red and black box with a magical lock on it. The castle didn't matter that much. They met with their employer, named Gaggir Peppletoe, and headed off to the land of Fyre. But before doing so they go to Astraxorth Academy, Nova Aeras' foremost magical academy, to make Quimm learn Common before they headed off to their mission.    After many days of sea travel, the group finally arrived in Fyre, a mere six days' travel from their destination. On the way, they passed a tree with three corpses hanging from the branches. A group of tax-collectors that Quimm convinced to praise dragons. After the sixth day, they finally arrived at the giant castle. When they approached they noticed that smoke was rising from three giant chimneys. A peculiar sight. The party approached carefully. When they closed in on the large door they see that it didn't have a doorknob or a keyhole. After a while, they realized that all needed to do was to ask the door nicely and say please to enter. Well inside they entered a dark, yet nice-looking entrance hall. The door shut behind them and as soon as they breathed in, they all fell unconscious    They woke up in a cold and hard cell. Behind the barred door to their cell they saw a large man wearing a red coat and red pants with white fur borders. He had a large black belt surrounding his giant floppy bell and from it hangs two nice-looking falchions. He also wore a large red hat with white fur borders, which hung down on his back with a white ball at the end. The man had a large white beard that covers most of his face except for two red cheeks and a giant red nose. His eyes are angry and looking at them. He introduced himself as St:Nick before saying:

Sooo, you think that you can just waltz in here and foil my plans do you? Well think again. I will destroy yule and you’re going to watch and be unable to do anything about it.
The confused party gave him a confunded look and asked what he was talking about.
Ha! You think I am going to tell you about my plan to start giving children all over the world presents every yule for 5 years, and then when the children expects gifts, I will instead sell the toys to make yule all about buying and gifting, and make millions!
He then left, leaving them alone in the dark dungeon. There were five other cells and a key hanging on the wall on the opposite side of their cell. Whilst the others tried to get the key, Shinecatcher bit off his own finger and tried to make a lockpick from the bones. He soon passed out from chock. In the end, Rindin managed to get the key magically and opened the door for them. They woke up Shinecatcher and left.   They walked around the dungeon until they stumbled upon a stable. As they entered the door shut behind them and the eight booths opened. Large reindeer with clawlike hooves and carnivorous teeth came out of the booths and attacked them. The group did manage to slay all of them. They left the stables and found a staircase leading out of the dungeon. After leaving the dungeon they found a corridor. To the left, they found a giant workshop where elves dressed in colorful clothing makes toys with giant machines that have filled the air with toxic smoke, and to the right they found another staircase leading up and next to it is another staircase leading down. Most of them went right and down the staircase, which led to a treasury, where they found a number of magical items as well as the item they had been searching for. But Shinecatcher went left and snuck into the workshop. He failed however to close the door silently and was now standing there with hundreds of starving elves looking at him. He tried to open the door, but it only opened one way. He banged on the door to alert his comrades, but they were too far away to hear him. With a hundred foes in front of him, he only saw one way this could end. He took all the bombs he had prepared for the day. Lit them and ran towards the murderous mob, yelling:
Come and get it bitches!!! 
The bombs went off and lit the fuel in the machines of the workshop, which promptly exploded in a blazing inferno that killed everything and everyone in the workshop as well as collapsing parts of the castle. The rest of the adventurer noticed the giant explosion of course and so did St:Nick. The party stayed behind as they heard the mans thundering footsteps as he marched towards the workshop. The party took this opportunity to ambush him, except Quimm who snuck up the stairs to St:Nicks office. There he found a big room with bookshelves along both the left and the right wall, both filled with binders. On the other end of the room there was a big desk also filled with binders. He decided to make things easy and burn all of it before heading back down.    Well downstairs Thomas, Rindin and Sarai engage St:Nick who pulls out his Falchions and prepares for combat. But with a quick hand movement and some magical words, Rindin penetrates St:Nicks mind and manages to break him. He falls under her control. The battle was won. Quimm joined them and together they follow the enslaved St:Nick ot of the castle. They brought him and the requested item with them all the way home to Nova Aera. There they reconvene with Gaggir Peppletoe and give him the item. He pays them and the group returns to the inn, triumphantly.    All except Shinecatcher who found himself drifting along the river Styx all the way down into the abyss, where he would find a road to more greatness than he ever could have found in life. But that is another tale.

Rewards Granted

  • 10 000 Gold
  • Nicks Magic Whip
  • Blade of the Northern Tribe
  • Evertorch
  • Luxurious Satin Bedroll
  • Santas Robe

Adventures of Nova Aera and Other One-Shots

Thomas Torkelmad

10-Level Cavalier

Sarai Chezzu

10-Level Druid


10-Level Sorcerer
Report Date
21 Dec 2018
Primary Location
Nova Aera

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