Session 11 Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 11 Report

General Summary

Caravan leaves Hartgar with the party, Count Gollin, Duke Gorwin, Xander, Sergeant Sinn and his soldiers, and Khigad and the dwarves. They travel southwest for several hours until a spear is thrown from the river into Duke Gorwin's carriage and pierces him in the shoulder. Goodman opens the door to the carriage and calls for Kazrik who comes and heals Duke Gorwin. Centurion and Katerina go up to the river and call out for the undine in their language. After a minute, a few appear and tell them that one of the undine had a spear and now doesn't. Katerina asks them to bring him to the meeting, then the undine leave. Kith smells the spear and gets a hint of the smell of vulpine on it. The caravan continues on for 2 more hours when many undine come out of the water with the undine that threw the spear. Kith sniffs him out to be vulpine and the party call Duke Gorwin and Count Gollin over to see. They arrive and the party convince the vulpine to shapeshift into his vulpine form. They interrogate him for a while and discuss killing him. Kith demands he be released and left alive. Count Gollin says to kill him, so Centurion shoots him in the head with an arrow. Kith abandons the party and leaves with his bear (irl, the player ragequit because the party wouldn't agree to let him go). The caravan moves on to the meeting place with the undine, where they meet with 5 leaders that represent all of the undine there. Before negotiations begin, Duke Fractun arrives and introduces himself to the party. They discuss a military alliance and treaty with the undine, which both sides eventually agree to. Duke Fractun thanks everyone for their work and awards them 100 gp, then tasks them to take Sergeant Sinn, a few soldiers, Khigad, and several dwarves up to the mountains to scout out the secret northern entrance and figure out what they're up against.

Frundeer Campaign
Report Date
29 Feb 2020

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