Session III : A Successful Failure Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session III : A Successful Failure Report

General Summary

Fadeing from black on a large estate room, the sound of quill writing on parchement the only sound, a large window overlooks the Markets as the snow falls slowly and soundlessly outside. All around the room large bookcases loom holding all manor of books and scrolls, odd artifacts and trinkets. To the one side we see a fireplace, its fire long died out as embers flicker. In their light we see a kobold is trying to warm himself by what little heat there is. Sitting infront of the large window is an intricate desk on which stands a candle, the sole light in the room, casting long shadows across everything. Sitting behind the desk is a large man, Dakath, his hand holding the quill as it scratchs out his work. A small lock box sits on the desk holding platinum, he pulling out various amounts and pileing it quietly. Behind him two of his personal guard stand either side the window, they are mirrored on the opposide side standing either side the door. The door opened as a man dressed in fancy attire steps thru. "Lieutenant Nightingale and Sargent Roy to see you sir." With a small gesture from Dakath, the butler leads the pair of officers in, sits them down, and gives them each a drink before departing. "So," Dakath speaks with a slight hint of annoyance as he finishes writing a note before looking up " To what do I owe the pleasure of this, late, visit." asking as he stares at the Lieutenant. Clearing her throat " We are working on the Wilks Tilmon murder and have some questions for It seems they may have seen the killers as they were escaping." explaining as she glanced to the kobold. Clearly upset by the interuption, Dakath snapped his fingers and the kobold ran over. Staring up at the large man, waiting. " If this...Kreachure...Can speak to anyone that would be something," he paused to take a drink " As his tongue was removed before I acquired him." With a motion, the Kobold opened his mouth and revealed his removed tongue. Lieutinent Nightingale gave a faint smile " Where were you last night?" The Kobold looked to Dakath and back " What were you doing?" Again a look to Dakath. "Satasified?" Dakath asked, his patience clearly gone "Or do you have more useless questions to waste my time with." his words snaped out. The Kobold flinched at the tone, and the butler returned. Helping usher them out. " Just one, " she stated as they rose from the chairs, setting the untasted drinks on the desk " Your men have been seen moving things in higher number into the sewers. Why." A pause as Dakath begins his work once more in the ledgers " Fortifying a new acquisition. Have a good night." the last words dismissive. As the Butler walked them out " And Lieutenant, for the unannounced LATE intrusion I will be reporting you to your supervisors." Their items returned and nearly pushed out the door, it slammed in their face, the officers stand back in the cold night " wrong kobold" they say. Dakath after a time, looks up from his work to the gold kobold by the fire " So...They are looking for a gold kobold."
  With a 'plan', the River Kings head off into the Markets to heist a bank; one that they had scouted earlier that had low security.  Jun having planned gave everyone masks to keep identities hidden.  Down their monk, Sigfried left a note saying he and Claus would return after some important business, as well Scuttle having stated he would " cause a distraction, not to worry..."  which is never a good sign.  So Jun, Fin and Wren head off at sundown to begin stopping to pick up some supplies.  While passing thru the abandoned district of the city they came across a massive foot print, a megafauna had passed thru.  Spotted a short ways away, it appeared to be asleep and the party quickly moved past without issue.  Once in the Markets they do some shopping to set up an alibi.  Entering the bank, Jun attempts to appear to want to open an account but backs down once they asked for a drop of blood, and Wren took this as the sign to get the heist underway.  Quickly swinging at the nearest guard a fight breaks out.   Meanwhile Scuttle headed into the High Market to set his distraction.  After a quick look around, he found himself in a clothing shop.  The Knit Knight is run by an old woman mage who is known for knitting clothing out of metal, much of her stock is of beautiful quality.  Scuttle had a brief talk with her before looking around, after a time he tried to sneak in some bottles of oil between the stacked clothing, only to be caught by her.  Conceding his first plan, he exited the building and went round the ally and began to set up his distraction.  Bottle after bottle he poured outside along the walls of oil, and planted various alchemical bombs and waited for the right time.  Changing his appearance to be a fiery haired gnome, he waited till the guards were in sight and be set off the charges.  Quickly chasing the guards soon found they ran into a trap, causing the death of two of them, as more explosions rang out into the night.   Unable to land a hit, Wren is trying to beat the pair of guards within the bank.  The two tellers have gone and hid somewhere in the back.  Fin having locked the front door, sees three more guards headed toward the bank.  Jun put up an Illusion of the inside of the bank across the door to make it seem fine within.  Fin quickly moved to the alarm attached to the bunker vault door, and failed to disarm it so bad that it broke and it started to go off.  The three guards hearing it start to run to the bank as fun unlocks the front door.  Jun dropping the illusion on the door he changed himself to look like one of the tellers as Wren finally was able to take out one of the guards.  Just as the three new guards arrived Fin thinking quickly told the guards that the one attacking had gone mad and was lashing out at the tellers.  With a convincing lie the three new guards quickly took out the angered guard.  Wren and Fin then said they would help by taking the injured teller to a nearby hospital, the guards said they would meet up with them once they cleared everything here.  The party made it out, more or less, safely and didn't end up in jail.   Scuttle now losing the guards who were tailing him, snuck his way over the city walls that divide the High Market from the Markets and headed to the bank to see how the heist was progressing.  Arriving at a crime scene he asked around and learned quickly of the failure the party had left so he took it upon himself to complete the job.  Going invisible and sneaking into the bank, he hid and waited for things to calm down.  The night eventually calmed down and the bank retuned to his usual manner, once things had were back to normal two of the guards fell asleep with the drop of adrenaline and the third was drowsy.  Once he was sure things were safe, he came out of hiding, broke into the vault (thanks the Fins breaking of the alarm it didn't go off when he failed to open it) and down into the lock boxes where he took his time and easily was able to open all of them and take his pick of what he wanted.  Once finished he returned what he didn't take to random boxes and closed everything.  Closed the vault and the Bunker lid and waited until the shift change to go invisible once more and disappear into the day.  Returning to the party with his haversack full of gold and goodies he split his winnings.  The next morning while on her way back to the party's HQ, Wren was caught by the Coins guard and taken to jail.   The party was then given a week of downtime to do with as they pleased.

Eyes of Shadow


4-Level Rogue 4-Level Sorcerer

Wren Meandorsdottir

3-Level Fighter 3-Level Brawler
Report Date
08 Apr 2023

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