119 - Sorry we Mist You Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

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119 - Sorry we Mist You Report

General Summary

Ships log: initial entry,   Today while everybody was in town collecting whatever stuff they "needed" to have I went about putting together a great crew. Talked to some old friends, pulled a couple of favours here and there and managed to recruit 3 great officers and a full complement of 25 crew, most of which had just come off navy ships. The best part is, I also managed to arrange a buyer for all of the cargo below in the hold so we could get some useful supplies. Covered most of our costs actually, essentially just crew costs left for the next month. Once we got everyone on board they worked amazingly getting the ship ready to sail.    The next morning, we let Iris give the commissioning speech... well, it's not the worst I've heard... but we put the ship to sea without incident! Sailed clearly around the north side of Titanfall (I think the south side is far more ascetically pleasing, but admittedly far more dangerous). While underway we did get two of our new cannons mounted and completed a full general quarters drill and I'm proud to report that the day's training proved very successful.    At one point, I'm pretty sure I saw the party drawing cards from a deck up on deck, but that's just a weird thing to do.   Eventually, a thick fog started picking up, then a storm! Not wanting to end up dashed on the rocks, we pulled up the sails and dropped anchor. After a while, a bloody ship approached from the aft and came alongside! Almost gave the order for some cannon fire, but turns out they were friendly and had some very odd supplies for us. Some weird earrings for myself and the officers as well as some highly explosive cannonballs? I can't wait to see what those things do. Anyway, gotta keep us underway for the moment.   -XO Matrix

Rewards Granted

5x HE Cannon volleys Cubic Gate (Iris)

The Curse of Melchior
Report Date
28 Aug 2021
Primary Location

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