103 - The Castle on a Hill Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

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103 - The Castle on a Hill Report

General Summary

Awaking from a good night's sleep, the party finally enters Castle Coeur. The castle is beautiful but deserted. Wonderfully detailed stained glass windows decorate the many halls. A sleek black obsidian throne stands in the great hall.   Both Iris and Shade came in contact with the throne and were sealed away in their own stained glass windows. Warence and Justice quickly figured out that they could break the glass to release the victims and quickly set about releasing the entire castle including their two allies.   Upon releasing everyone, they discover that the castle willingly banished themselves into the glass to potentially preserve the life of the lord of the castle. Sadly, said lord did not survive the process, nor did his lady. The steward begrudgingly thanked the party and set about restoring the castle.

The Curse of Melchior
Report Date
13 Apr 2021

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