107 - Leatherface Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

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107 - Leatherface Report

General Summary

With the new dawn, comes a world 250 years in the past. By some miracle, the party is transported into the past where they might just have a hope of turning around Westvale. They are also very sure that @Alexander had something to do with their time travel.   In the past, Shade wakes up in the same jail she fell asleep in 250 years later but is greeted by a friendly guard and an even friendlier Lord Sigfried Cuthher. After a brief moment of encouragement, Shade is set free, given some new equipment, and suggested to head to see Father George at the temple.   Once the party regroups, Iris leads the way to the temple to meet with Father George. While they glean very little information, the party does discover that the council hasn't been formed yet.   While having lunch at the tavern, the party overhears two people talking about an "accident" and whispers of the group who wants to form the council. Shade decides to follow the man to a small shack near a green house. Entering the shack, the man has disappeared. Further investigation reveals a trap door down to a cellar with a trapped ladder! With Shade now stuck down in the cellar, the party begins to race to her rescue. Slowly the entire cellar fills with a flammable gas. Quickly the party opens the cellar and releases Shade. Moments later, the strange figure spins around the corner and uses a firebolt to ignite the gasses. With some quick thinking, the party dives into the cellar and Iris controls the water to protect them from the blast.   The party survives but is now trapped in the cellar with the only way out being through a small underground river that has broken through the one end. Navigating along the water, they come upon a secret entrance. Beyond the secret is a room featuring a stone tablet with a body alight as if a funeral pyre. With some quick coordinated actions, the party manages to stabilize the soul and successfully recall the soul to the body with revivify. They soon discover that the young boy being burned was Lord Sigfried's son.   Moments later the strange man, who we learn to be Kor stands ready to fight and finish the job with two magical daggers. The fight does not go well for him and although he almost manages to take the boy through a portal he is downed by the party. The party then turns to the boy to calm him down and explain. In a brief moment of distraction, Kor returns to consciousness and hurls himself through the portal to safety.   The party is now trapped only a few feet underground, with no easy way to return to the surface. Investigating the portal, Warence discovers that Kor fled to Cafeld. With a stroke of genius, Justice transforms into a massive green rhinoceros and rams their way through a damaged portion of stone creating a cave-in that allows the party to escape to the surface. Once there, the party helps the town put out the shack as it burns and informs Lord Sigfried about what happened. After this, the party steps outside and promptly encounters their good friend Alexander. He mentions some cryptic words of encouragement and the party blinks and arrives in their present-day again. Above the office they were just in is a sign that reads "Office of Lord Arther Cuthher IV". There is no longer a council; they have succeeded.

Rewards Granted

Worn Cloak of Invisibility (same as regular, but only has 30 minutes of use per day) Amulet of Cuthher (return-to-sender one ranged attack per day)

The Curse of Melchior
Report Date
10 Apr 2021
Primary Location

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