104 - The Wizard's Errand Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

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104 - The Wizard's Errand

General Summary

Our session begins with our adventurers departing Castle Coeur, its bright and shiny exterior suddenly old and decayed. Keeping their eyes to the road, the party returned to the Shire.   Once in the Shire, Iris went to the local church and made friends with Father Meyer including an offer of a place to stay by donation. Meanwhile, most of the population of the Shire continues keeping their distance from everyone. After Warence has a bit of a heated discussion with the tavern-owner Shade attempts to up the ante by force and quickly discovers that this bar-man is no slouch. Two wrist-mounted blades left Shade unconscious before she could mount much of an assault. After this slight setback, the party turned in for the evening and enjoyed a solid rest.   In the morning, the group received a tip from Sir Roth that the wizard Orbosa to the north was in need of some adventurers but had no further detail. Sir Roth also agreed to discuss how adventurers were being paid by the town and try to clear up any misunderstandings. Arriving at the wizards tower, they were greeted by some sort of magical construct being worked on by Orbosa. After a few minutes, the good wizard came downstairs with a quest for the party to clear through a bear cave a little bit further north and recover a small blue gem.   Agreeing in exchange for a selection of magical items, the party advances north to find the bear cave inhabited by two bears which are quickly dispatched. Deeper in the cave, the party discovers a single gnome and his 8 fierce giant badgers. A brief firefight occurs before being ended with a solid fireball from Iris that wiped out almost all of the badgers at once. The gnome, no longer protected by any badgers surrendered and explained his plight to the party. Bil, short for Bil'kai. This plucky little gnome ended up here after a teleportation spell accident sent him from his home continent of Mithrivel. With a little clever searching and the combined weight of the party, the door was opened for Bil to return home and for the gemstone to be retrieved.   Back in the tower, the party was rewarded handsomely for their mission. Orbosa took the gemstone and extracted a smaller crystal from the inside which he placed into the magical construct he was repairing. The last thing the party heard as they were departing was "Test... Complete"

Rewards Granted

Chromatic Pens

  • Red - Fire
  • Blue - Lightning
  • Green - Poison
  • Black - Acid
  • Silver - Radiant
  • Gold - Fire
  • Grey - Necrotic
  • White - Cold
Magical Items
  • Instant Fortress
  • Cape of Fabulous Sparkles
  • Slippers of Spider Climbing
  • Sentinel Shield
  • Cloak of Protection
  • Sun Blade

The Curse of Melchior
Report Date
27 Feb 2021
Primary Location
Shire of Wrentwood

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