113 - The House of Lament Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

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113 - The House of Lament Report

General Summary

After the group decided to travel through the gate marked 608, only Iris and Shade appear on the other side. The two of them find themselves trapped at a muddy crossroads, surrounded by mist. The mist prevented them from escaping until Sol intervened, causing both Iris and Shade to lose all hope of ever leaving this wet, dead forest. After emerging from the Mist, the two soaked adventures came upon an eerie house on a hill. They were mistakenly taken for hired help by the two very famous monster hunters, Gennifer and Laurie Weathermay-Foxgrove. As they explored the house, they realized it was haunted and, through a seance, one spirit was that of the late Lady of the house, Theodora Halvhrest. The two were asked to explore the house further and light a candle on the witch stone on the top of the house.

The Curse of Melchior
Report Date
17 Aug 2021

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