109 - Into the Dragon's Maw Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

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109 - Into the Dragon's Maw Report

General Summary

Beginning in the heart of the dungeon beneath the old temple, our heroes decide that rest should come before a fight and successfully sleep through the night to face the evil here rested and restored. Navigating down a grease-covered stair, the team bashed open the door at the bottom and found themselves pelted with grapeshot from a cannon trap. Nearby though, they discovered a tree surrounded by decaying fleshy walls and a beautiful bowl of magic sitting next to a lantern. Iris touched the gel inside the bowl and it climbed up her arm, bestowing her with the very rare Percival's Decorative Wrap. The lantern was found to create an anti-magic field when lit out to a 10' radius.   Next the brave heroes swiftly navigated a double fire trap with floor-based lava pockets and an aerial fire-jet system. It was very impressive! Beyond that, the hallway took a sharp bend. Tripping on a wire the whole room began to rapidly fill with water. Our brilliant heroes managed to find not one, not two, but THREE ways to simultaneously solve this ancient trap. Whoever created it would be proud! A little while later the party encountered a gigantic green gelatinous cube and deftly beat it to pieces and a fine finishing blow dealt by Shade with a clockwork explosive arrow. Ahead the path contained more of the fleshy broken stone.   The room after had wonderful stone floors and a huge statue of some very angry-looking black dragon in humanoid form with a large stone sword. To the right was a cultist living quarters with four dead cultists. Three cultists suffered tremendous stab wounds, the fourth suffered several scorching rays. In the possession of the fourth, Shade found a strange metal dagger and took it. Filled with such anger towards dragons, shade toppled the statue in the main room. Finally, crossing the hall the party fought a mighty six-headed hydra. With a swift application of fireball and some heavy melee attacks the beast was rendered no-more.   With the beast slain, the way opened to the north of the main room. Inside the party found a stone altar with a strange pale girl laying on its surface and a floating, rippling black sphere which leaped immediately into Shade's mysterious dagger. The girl awoke, introduced herself as Electra and suggested they immediately run away.   The warning came not too soon as the thick stone walls began softening and transforming into dragon flesh and collapsing around them. With a good hustle, the group managed to escape to the north, exiting the large cave mouth just in time to see the stones shift and change into bone. A massive bone dragon began rising up out of the group into the air, hundreds of smaller little bone dragons. The dragon eventually gathered its kin and flew off to the south leaving our group to look down upon the destruction of Cafled below them. Almost the entire town had been built over top of the dragon and his cohort leaving distruction everywhere as the ground sunk, gave way, and resettled. In the center, shifting plates had actually caused a small volcano to form and began leaking lava into the crater.    Looking on over the destruction, helpless to save anyone, Iris mustered what strength she had and began burning out every power and prayer available to her. In calling upon her deity, she successfully requested the blessing of the gods, bringing a holy light down upon her and through her, another 182 souls were mass resurrected and placed up in the safe neighboring forests. This decimated her strength and left her unable to walk. With their horse Greg among the dead, Warence summoned his first celestial steed, requesting he be shaped exactly after Greg and his cart. His request was granted and Greg 2.0 joined the party.   The group took a moment to look out over the destruction that lay before them and felt the weight of it in their hearts.

The Curse of Melchior
Report Date
09 May 2021

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