118 - The Informed Unformed Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

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118 - The Informed Unformed Report

General Summary

Recovering their wits after the tough battle with the Storm Bear, the Chucklefucks take a quick rest before heading north to get away from some sort of deadly pixie. An hour's travel north brings them to the coast where they discover a sailing ship docked on a somewhat makeshift dock. Exploring it, a single crew person is found recently dead of many wounds received. He managed to note in the ship's log that the captain and crew were hunting a mighty beast and all but he had perished. However, he was followed by the creature and through the forest comes crashing a mighty Tarrasque. The party quickly set about setting sail and managed to push back from the coast in time to slow the creature who followed them along the shore.   Eventually spying a small dock on the island of Titanfall, the party managed a pretty skillful docking using the anchor to burn speed. Once docked, the party brought the barely coherent Matrix along an old stone road, through a mountain, and into a small village of well-crafted stone huts. As Matrix started losing more and more of their form the party gathers to carry them the last bit of the way to the only hut with signs of life. Sure enough, they encountered an old man who began immediate care for Matrix. The old man explained a bit about The Unformed  

and their fabled origin. The party was asked to spend the night on their ship and check back in the morning. Sure enough, first thing in the morning they were greeted by a cheery "ahoy there!" from none other than Matrix, alive and well. Standing in sort of a Jack-Sparrow-type outfit, Matrix happily joined the crew. Shade also adopted an abandoned mimic, and fed it, tamed it, and named it "Ditto".  Ditto has also joined the crew.
Setting sail for Y'Warin the party looked up a Fae magic specialist and learned a little bit about their tattoos. Next up, a ship needs a crew.

Character(s) interacted with

Matrix' "Grandfather" Ditto (Mimic)

The Curse of Melchior
Report Date
17 Aug 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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