150 - Hell's Horns Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

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150 - Hell's Horns Report

General Summary

As the airship descended into Nessus, the ninth layer of hell, the Chucklefucks were approached by two imps who welcomed them in and said that Lord Asmodeus was expecting them over in the military encampment. Thanks to this plane's weird properties, they made the day's flight in only a few hours. As they approached they could see three massive gears sticking out of the terrain and the legions of the hells arrayed before them. Upon landing they received a personal invitation to Asmodeus' dias to negotiate. Asmodeus was well aware of why they were in his domain and was more than willing to let them speak to the killer titan if they could help him defend his grand prize from the armies of Mechanus. The party was interested but hesitant.   Soon the grand clockwork armies of Mechanus arrived and arrayed themselves upon the battlefield. Two of their commanders rode out to the center of the battlefield to parley. The party with Asmodeus walked out to meet them. The two old enemies began bickering back and forth eventually deciding upon a stalemate and combat to ensue. The Chucklefucks received an offer from General Hatch of the Clockwork Army to receive help in exchange for their assistance on the battlefield. The party split up, with Shade, Theren, River, and Bosun Mori heading over to talk to Mechanus while Iris, Justice, and Matrix returned to the ship.   Upon learning what they were really after, General Hatch provided them with the basic information they'd need to disable a Titan, but added that you would need a Titanstone to get access inside of a Titan. Of course, for their assistance in reassigning the killer Titan, he would be happy to provide a Titanstone and training to River on how to use it. Regrouping the party decided that they would help Mechanus by sabotaging Asmodeus' troops. They plan to kill one of the senor death knights commanding Asmodeus' forces and place their artifact of command on an imp, causing endless chaos on the battlefield while they tried to figure out what is going on, giving the Clockwork army time to overwhelm them.   As the session wrapped up, the party stood ready to charge into battle. Iris, Bosun Mori, and Matrix would charge to the Mechanus line to make it look like they were still helping Asmodeus, while the rest of the party will take down the death knight. And then the horns of battle sounded.

The Curse of Melchior
Report Date
13 Jan 2023

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