110 - The Statues of Imitation Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

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110 - The Statues of Imitation

General Summary

Still feeling the weight of the tragedy of Cafled, the party moved north towards the river and spent the night in the tower nursing their wounds both physical and mental. During the night, unbeknownst to the others, they all had the same nightmare of a large magical orb slowly impacting the city of Valla, causing a massive shockwave that destroyed everyone and everything in its path. Awaking in a cold sweat, they all started about their day and waited patiently for a scout to pass from Westvale. Sure enough, about 9:30am the scout came riding through. As soon as he passed the party packed up and crossed the river heading east towards the town of Westvale.   Passing through Westvale, they were greeted by many who longed and hoped for any word of Cafeld but none was given. Riding a bit further and camping the night again the party finally arrived at the gates of Valla. Valla being a massive walled city in the center of everything welcomes all visitors with open arms. The party sets about having Iris healed back to health at the local temple of Apollo run by Pastor Joy. Warence tries to gain some information about the colossal dragon they encountered, but none is available. Heading up towards the mage tower, library and museum the party encounters the strangest of sights.   A local attraction, 8 large statues of ancient heroes appear around a central monolith. Hailed as the Circle of Nine, Nine Heroes, or the Statues of the Nine depending on which local you speak to. Each of the party finds their own likeness in each statue as well as Alexander (the wonderful protector and council of the party), Electra, and Lily. The eighth statue isn't anyone they recognize but shows a short-haired person with a large curved cutlass or scimitar on them.   In the library, Shade found a whole lot of books in an order that baffled her. Electra wandered off to look for more information on dragons. Leaving the library with an escort from one of the librarians, shade went to join Warence at the museum. Inside the two of them witnessed a guard in blue run by, immediately followed by the exact same guard in a red sash with another guard with him. They chased the blue guard into the next room and lost sight of them. Warence caught on and began talking up a woman in a blue dress standing near the door. Turns out she had taken a dragon egg that was getting ready to hatch so she could rescue the poor creature. During the walk away, Warence noticed their appearance shift from decidedly feminine and in a dress to a more androgynous appearance and battle clothing. The session ended with them introducing themselves as Matrix and did Matrix look an awful lot like the eighth statue.

The Curse of Melchior
Report Date
05 Jun 2021
Primary Location
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