101 - White as Snow, Thirst for Days Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

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101 - White as Snow, Thirst for Days Report

General Summary

Our three heroes saved a scared young child, Laura from a band of feral goblins with a thirst for blood. The local Knight Sir Roth ensures that they are well rewarded for their efforts.   Later that day, Shade receives a hot tip about a very lucrative job from Sir Roth and brings a drunken Zee with her. An old man named Farren Coeur has requested that they deliver a golden rose to an enchanted forest to honor a girl he used to know that's laid to rest there. The three headed out at first light.   Upon arriving at the enchanted forest, they were greeted by a thick fog, reducing visibility to a few feet at most. While exploring the area Zee triggered a wild magic surge that caused her to float into the air! Quick thinking with a rope created a Zee ballon and kept the party together.   Soon the party discovered an altar featuring a stone girl with four magical pillars acting as some sort of aggressively anti-magic wards. While Zee attempts to figure out the pillars, Shade placed the golden rose on the statue of the girl on the altar as requested. As soon as she does, all hell breaks loose as an old hag forms out of the mist and fights the party in the form of a mist dragon. Some quick thinking and aggressive moves help fell the dragon in no-time.   As the dragon is slain, the party has noticed that the statue of the girl on the altar has awoken!   A very brief and suspicious conversation is interrupted by the old man, Farren Coeur stepping out of the forest. He speaks some kind words to the girl whom he identifies only as Fallon before he eats some sort of golden sphere and explodes in sunlight.   Fallon becomes very angry at the old man's sudden death and takes the party by surprise by lunging for their necks and drinking their blood. Though Fallon does get a lot of very good hits in, quick thinking by Warrence dumps a large dose of lay-on-hands into Fallon, causing her to breakdown into mist and dissipate.    Back in town, the part is well rewarded by a slightly confused Sir Roth.

The Curse of Melchior
Report Date
09 Jan 2021
Primary Location
Shire of Wrentwood

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