111 - The First Rule of Bear Club... Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

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111 - The First Rule of Bear Club... Report

General Summary

While Warence, Shade, and Electra had met with Matrix and gained some hints of information Iris and Justice headed for the local wizards tower. Inside the beautiful glass building, they were greeted by a young wizard named Bryan, also known as Bryan the Wise and Terrible. After a few minutes he sent the duo up to speak with Professor Goethin Haelond in room 119. After being teleported to the upper floor the pair eventually found the professor with his desk setup in a magical broom closet. Professor Haelond of course is a very very old elf and very wise. He created for Iris a magical blue milk from just simple ingredients in his desk drawer. Agreeing to help the party's search for information the professor takes the two down to the building's library. The book they want is locked up in a restricted section, though the professor does grant them access eventually. In the book of creatures they find chained to a lecturn there are two pages on colossal dragons however the second and more important one has been torn out. That said, the duo does learn that the creatures are essentially unkillable but can be stopped by extracting their soul and imprisoning it near them. Before rejoining the team, Iris is given a special stone that grants her permission to use the magical portals between the mainland and Y'Warin, her home.   Gathering together, the team decides to meet Matrix as planned to get information. Along the way, Shade is introduced to the local Gilmore's Glorious Goods. Inside Shade buys some new magical arrows and a blink belt while Warence buys himself a bag of holding.   Back at the Azure Axe, the team waits for Matrix and is taken for a loop when instead of Matrix, they are greeted by "Dot", better known as "Tod" who is Matrix' "nephew". When Matrix does finally make their entrance the party learns that she did have the page they seek, but lost it while betting. Matrix does agree to take them to where the page is now to negotiate its return.   Arriving at an odd sewer grate, the party decends into a complete underground tavern complete with dozens of unsavory individuals. Matrix eventually talks their way into "room 17" believing that is the way to progress. As the team heads deeper into the structure Matrix becomes increasingly drunk. Eventually at the bottom of the stairs is a pair of heavy metal double doors. The doors open easily and let the party through but close behind them and seal. To their left, is a large holding cell. To their right, is a large open arena with a cheering crowd. Matrix explains that they were supposed to be in the stands before collapsing and being revived by Iris and Warence.    Inside the arena, from the stands above one known as "The Killer" taunts the party and encourages the crowd before releasing an angry minautor upon them. Thinking quickly, the team unloads on the creature. Justice summons 8 big black bears to drop onto the creatures head doing a massive amount of damage, followed up with Shade shooting its eye out, and Warence smashing it so hard with his hammer that its heart stopped for a moment. Finally, Iris killed it with a flame strike, dispatching the creature.    Impressed, The Killer introduces the next challenger, a small diminutive beast that the crowd seems to be really rooting for...

The Curse of Melchior
Report Date
11 Jun 2021
Primary Location

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