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A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Theia
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This story is told by

Supporting Cast
  • Eldon Loofollue
    A canny tinker and skilled magewright, this gnome is traveling north to study the craft of enchantment among the Dwarves. He keeps a close eye on his three children in tow: Brocc, Zanna, and Glim
  • Knight Captain Godfrey
    Dispute his balding head and grey beard, this man remains alert and hale. Those who spend time with him see both the gentle hands of a healer and the sharp reflexes of a warrior. He is keeps a close watch over his young charge William.
  • Squire William
    This quiet but determined young man travels north for reasons unknown. He is unerringly respectful to the older man he travels with.