Session 16: Who betrayed us? Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 16: Who betrayed us? Report

General Summary

During your meeting with Rex, he excuses himself and Azarath follows to see what he is up too. He finds that Apple and Kiwi have shown up at the encampment and they bear a message from Zanzana! He tells the party to stop looking into the Fen and trying to find Azarath's mother... of course, he knows that they will not heed his advice and has sent them the Amphora that the Fen sought in Crook Crag.   Rex examines it and says it is powerful, but he has little idea what it could do. As far as he can tell it uses transmutation magic and conjuration magic. Apple and Kiwi say that Zanzana went to Bergen. After the party asks if they can get access to the Tomb of the Dark Sun, Rex says he can check with Sage Terran of the Order of Sages (Leader of the wizard contingent).    Night falls but the adventurers push on to the elven encampment at the Dungeon of the Wandering. There the party finds the body of Dassa in the center of a demon summoning circle. Two tracks lead into the caves while demonic footprints lead away from the camp. N4, torn between chasing into the caves or going to Bergen, summons a lightning storm to strike him. Azarath assures him that revenge will come, and they will get the Pale Man.   N4 and Maz work together to seal up the cave entrance, hoping that stops the Fen agents from emerging. Returning to the camp of the Isle of Mystrium the party informs Rex of their plan to head to Bergen and he advises they sleep. They wake up on the morning of the 13th day of the Orange Moon.

Legacy of the Creators
Report Date
07 Sep 2022

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