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Shadow's Pet Shop

A Advanced Dungeons & Dragons game In the world of The Federation of New Guinea
| Looking for Players


  • Caves of Dophert level 1
    This is the first level and the tourist sector of the Caves. This is where tourists and visitors can sight-see and buy wares and use facilities run by inmates. It contains several restaurants , a gym, an interpretive dance studio, a nail salon, a school, and various other shops. It also contains a sports arena, police station/officer headquarters, a Church campus. Outside of the Caves of Dophert lie several several hotels and inns that have begun to pop up with the tourism.   This level is for tiny creatures only. Any guinea pig who brings an elven familiar must leave it at the door.
  • World Map
    This map includes the Continent of Kevas and the Federation of New Guinea
Supporting Cast

Scheduled Sessions

Tue 24th January 2023 6:00

Session 9- Shadow City

last session: Snowflake had a very suspicious and loud whisper fest with his not-secret-child who is the reincarnation of shadow. We killed the last of the Dodo birds. And were chased away by a tornado.   You've just arrived at one of the entrances to the capital city. It's grand buildings loom over you as the traffic forces you to trudge through, even the university entrance, slowly. You arrive at the Capital Building, where the Leader resides. It's exterior is likened to a palace, and you see no lifts near it, as opposed to the large web that the lift system has spin around the city. The interior is grand and ancient.The polished wooden pillars hold up a massive entryway, complete with a statue of Freya and Shadow in the middle. Around you are hallways, doors, and open entrances to halls with equal grandeur to the entrance. Your guides sign you in at the desk and guide you through the escalator to the second floor, then the third. [I]just how big IS this place?![/I]. You are stoped at third floor, coming face-to-face to two massive, and gorgeous wooden doors. Your guide knocks in a strange pattern [I]thump thump thump-thump... thump[/I], and the door opens...

Tue 16th August 2022 6:00

Session 1: Escaping the City

You find yourselves throughout the Caves of Dophert, but what was supposed to be a prosperous prison reform program has turned into a death trap!

You all find yourselves in the bustling city of the Caves of Dophert, where a promising prison reform program has quickly turned into a dreary descent into death for all of the city's inhabitants. What will become of the city, and why is the situation so desperate?

This story is told by