Before They Kill You, They Have to Catch You: A Collection of Harengon Sayings by coldphaedrus | World Anvil Manuscripts | World Anvil

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Foreword Sayings

In the world of Fulcrum

Visit Fulcrum

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According to legend, the harengon originated in the Feywild as spirits of movement and freedom. It is not known how much truth this legend contains or, if true, when the harengon became corporeal, humanoid beings. Regardless of provenance, the legend speaks to their reputation as energetic, boisterous, and unlikely to stay in one place for very long. However, much about their culture and history is unknown to the races of Fulcrum for a very simple reason: harengon do not speak about other harengon (except in vague, non-specific ways). Any attempt to ask a harengon a direct question about their history or way of life or of another of their race who is not present is apt to be met with an attempt to change the subject or an evasive answer that avoids actually saying much at all.

My theory as to why they are so cagey about sharing anything about themselves as a race is simple. They are, fundamentally, a dichotomous people. Individually they are often brash, adventurous, even foolhardy, but collectively they are cautious, careful, and wary of outsiders. I believe harengon do not share information about others of their race because it is simply how they have survived in a universe where they are often outnumbered and outmatched by larger, fiercer, and more aggressive races. As one of their most commonly shared proverbs goes: Before they kill you, they have to catch you.

Which brings us to the purpose of this small work. One of the only pieces of their culture that the harengon will readily share are their sayings. What follows is a selection of the proverbs I was fortunate enough to have heard from my harengon acquaintances. As possibly the only window so far into the lore of this odd race, anyone seeking insight into their cultural mindset would do well to start here.

- Renion Gywnathor

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