Adventures in Duskmire by Nomminus | World Anvil Manuscripts | World Anvil

In the world of Duskmire

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Session 13

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SESSION THIRTEEN - Ichor and Stone

[Zalistar, 20th day of Sigen]

After conferring with Professor Clover, and after a (mostly) sound sleep for the night, save for Miguel, who's idea to hide the emblem used to contact Thoth, under his bed... gave him quite the meeting. This entity practically egging him on to put the cult on blast - using power gifted to him by Thoth itself. Miguel denied, not wanting to do the entity's bidding in any way, not wanting to get involved in the conflict between eldritch beings that Thoth hinted at, and the man was left to sleep. (or try to)

After a very early morning head-start, (like stupid early, we're talking 4am LOL) the group decided it was time to get serious on planning how to deal with the cult. With a way in secured, disguises at the ready, and figuring out a few clever tricks up their sleeves, Caira, Edenberry, Miguel, and Ross put their noggins together.

They'd bring Lorenzini, he knew the cult's layout - and if anything, maybe he can draw fire away from the others. They'd enter, find a way to seal off Thoth's line of communication with the world, and from there, hopefully dismantling the cult.

After gathering everyone and getting ready to go, they began their infiltration. Miguel casting the teleportation spell to get them inside. Landing them within the hidden sanctum proper, at the bottom of a tall tower, where there are no stairs or elevators - instead, Lorenzini almost gleefully instructs that one simply uses their mind to move about the space. Thinking of the direction to go, and letting gravity cease to hold you.

Heading up through the tower, nothing is out of the ordinary at first. But Miguel's keen eye picks out that the group is being watched. When he points this out, rather than treading carefully, Daisybell decides to plant a big ol smooch on one of the gargoyle statues watching them.

This awakens the gargoyle and seems to sound an alarm, as it and three other statues break from their statue-like stances and attack the intruders.

The trio of gargoyles are quickly dispatched by the party however. Each falling down several floors upon their last gasps, smashing onto the floor far below into piles of stone and a sticky black ichor.

Allowing everyone to continue forward. What happens next for our intrepid crew? Find out in the next write-up!

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