Adventures in Duskmire by Nomminus | World Anvil Manuscripts | World Anvil

In the world of Duskmire

Visit Duskmire

Ongoing 563 Words

Session 11

15 0 0


[Latastar, 19th day of Sigen]

After grabbing food and going over their plans for what to do, deciding that since Daisybell had gone off on their own task, trying to go with the plan of kidnapping the art teacher and posing as her during the cult meeting, would have to wait. For now, they'd gain what other information they could.

This meant that Ross and Edenberry would attend the class, meanwhile Murphy and Miguel would do their own thing. Before splitting up, the group makes sure Edenberry and Ross have a bit of art supplies - parchment, and a (very chewed) pen. Then they set off to the classroom to do their infiltration.

Miguel, in an effort of figuring out where to start, asked Murphy if they had any experience in dealing with aberrations and eldritch creatures such as the one the cult is worshipping. Murphy has an unfortunate flashback of their youth, abandoned and on their own at the bottom of the ocean, dodging all sorts of strange monstrosities in an effort to survive. They snap out of it to confirm that they know how to not die around these things, which is very good knowledge to have right now.

The detective goes to talk to Brenvis at the front gate, to be allowed through. Mentioning the keyword 'family reunion' changes the minotaur's disposition, and becomes a bit more responsive towards him. He informs them of the last known person who had it, and sees them on their way.

Upon making their way to the maths professor, they learn his name is Feabog, the locathah that Daisybell had happened to trick the other day into giving them the amulet.

The professor tells them to check with the cartography professor - since he was part of the curfuffle.

Miguel and Murphy make their way to the next professor and are able to find out this 'family reunion' is being held near the lighthouse, and they're able to locate a hidden door of sorts - most likely an entrance into the cult!

Professor Rosamund is quite flabbergasted when he speaks to Miguel and Murphy. Making accusations of shape-shifters, or perhaps even being subjected to a spell or charm of some sort. He would never of done something so preposterous of his own accord!

He places another professor as a suspect. Professor Clover from the sciences department. He's been reluctant to join the 'family', perhaps he's trying to ruin things.

Miguel rests the man assured he will do what he can to find this emblem, and clear the his name. Then the detective and captain part ways from the professor. Deciding to check out the possibly only sane professor on campus.

Meanwhile back in art class, its time to make golems! Edenberry and Ross are given a lesson on how to take shellrock-infused clay, and shape it into a golem that they'll be able to animate and control at a later date. At first the two struggle a little bit, doing their best to make their models work.

A stringy spider and a lumpy doughboy is what they produce. Though upon looking around and seeing one student who's quite masterfully putting theirs together, Ross tries again out of spite, and pours in all his focus and skill to make the most perfect looking doughboy golem this college has ever seen.

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