Melakos (Swamp Elf) | Race | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Melakos (Swamp Elf)

Ability Score Increase +2 Dex, +1 Con
Size Medium
Speed 35 ft

Swamp Elves live up to 650 years. Their skin is of a gray green tone and their hair tends to be black or browns to better blend into swamp environments. Swamp Elves love their freedom and self-expression. They tend to be more reclusive than their brethren. Swamps are not considered as difficult terrain to the Melakos. Melakos can see in dim light of the swamp up to 60 ft and in darkness as if it were dim light. Proficient in Stealth. Resistant to Poison damage. Have advantage on saving throws against being charmed and magic cannot put you to sleep. Swamp Elves require 4 hours meditation instead of 8 hours of sleep. Trained in longsword, shortsword, longbow, and shortbow. Mask of the Marsh, allows you to attempt to hide even when only lightly obscured by swamp vegetation.

Languages. Melakos Elven Kitoni

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