Vampire | Race/Species | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Sexy bat people
ability score increase: +1 Str, +1 Con, +1 Cha
Size: Medium
speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet. (25 feet if you are Small sized).
Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common, Infernal, and Undead.
race features:


Your creature type is undead for the purposes of spells and effects.
  • Healing potions give 50% less HP.
  • Healing spells don't affect you.
  • You are vulnerable to radiant damage and damage from silver weapons.
  • You are immune to diseases.
  • You do not need to breathe.
  • Lost Life.

    Pick a humanoid race for your previous life. You do not gain the traits of that race but do gain their appearance.  

    Enhanced Darkvision.

    You can see in dim light as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light, out to a distance of 120 feet. You can't discern color in the darkness, only shades of grey.  

    Sunlight Sensitivity.

    You have disadvantage on attack rolls and Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight when you, the target of the attack, or whatever you are trying to perceive is in direct sunlight.  

    Bloody Soul.

    The following 3 traits don't work in sunlight.
  • Light Foot. At 5th level, you can cast the spell Spider Climb on yourself, a number of times per short rest equal to 1/2 your level.
  • Hypnosis. At 10th level, you can cast the spell Suggestion, a number of times per long rest equal to 1/2 your level.
  • Polymorph. At 15th level, you can turn into a Tiny bat for up to 1 hour, a number of times per long rest equal to 1/2 your level.
  • While in bat form you can't speak, your walking speed is 5ft, and you have a flying speed of 30ft. Your other statistics are unchanged. Anything you are wearing transforms with you, but nothing you are carrying does. You revert to your true form if you die.  

    Go for the throat.

    You're able to drink the blood of an enemy to maintain your health. You perform a special melee attack, using your Strength or Dexterity as the attacking score. On a hit, you deal necrotic damage equal to 1d6 + your Constitution modifier and you regain an equal amount of hp. You are proficient with this attack.  

    Draining Bite.

    After using "Go for the throat", at the end of your turn you can choose to prolong your bite into a big succ that fully drains the victim of blood. Each turn you remain latched on you must make a Grappling roll, additionally, you deal 5 + con necrotic damage and regain an equal amount of hp. A creature can make a str saving throw at the start of each of its turns, freeing itself on a success (DC is the most recent Grappling roll made by the vamp). While you are attached you have disadvantage on saving throws, can't use actions or movement. You can remove yourself as a bonus action, however, if you remain attached for 6 turns the target drops to 0 hp.  

    Blood Starvation.

    If you go for longer than seven days without drinking at least 1 blood ration, you gain 1 permanent level of exhaustion at dawn and additional levels every day after that. Consuming one blood ration will remove all levels of exhaustion caused by this trait. If you reach six levels of exhaustion due to this trait, you die immediately.   A blood ration is roughly 4 ounces, just enough to sustain you each week, but you still feel the urge to drink and may still appear twitchy or ravenous in the heat of battle or when treating a wounded ally. A pint is considered a healthy amount, more than enough to sustain you while also suppressing your less civilized behavior. Each blood ration heals you for 1d4+con hit points, while a pint will heal you for 4d4+con hit points.  

    Dark Desire.

    The dark power of your blood twists the desires and emotions of your past life, giving way to sin and corruption.
    You may struggle with it or give in to the darkness, either way, society will judge your every step.
    d8 DesireDescription
    1GreedInordinate desire to acquire or possess more than needed, usually material wealth. EX: hoarding, stealing, and political manipulation.
    2LustAn intense longing. Usually intense sexual desire, leading to sex, adultery, rape, bestiality, ect. Can also mean hunger for money or power.
    3GluttonyOverindulgence and overconsumption of anything to the point of waste.
    4SlothA lack of any feeling about self or other, a mind-state that gives rise to boredom, rancor, apathy, and passive, inert, or sluggish movement.
    5WrathNot all anger is wrath. Anger becomes wrath when it reaches the point of a deliberate desire to kill or seriously wound for someone else to suffer.
    6EnvyNeeding to have more or be better than others. Wanting what others have for yourself.
    7PridePride is considered by some to be the root of all evil. Unwarranted confidence and a sense of superiority.
    8Roll Twice.

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