Bard, College of Necromancy | Class Features | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Bard, College of Necromancy

This College is for those Bards who wish to use their power of song to raise people and creatures from the dead, so that they may do your bidding. Most members have a dark sense of humor, preferring the dead over the company of the living. Necromantic Bards often seek out recently pillaged villages or bloody battlefields to claim fresh cadavers for their work. Many believe them to use their powers for evil, but this is rarely the case. Even so, they are hunted; So watch your back.  

Bonus Proficiencies

At 3rd level, when you join this College, you gain proficiency with Arcana and Stealth skills. If you have proficiency already with one of them, you can pick another skill.  


Starting at 3rd level, all bard spells you cast can affect undead creatures, even if the spell or creature says otherwise. For example, if you cast the sleep spell, an undead can be impacted by it.  

Death's Songbook

At 6th level, you learn the Animate Dead, False Life, and Creeping Rot. These spells count as bard spells for you but don't count against the number of bard spells you know. You can only cast these spells if you have the appropriate level of spell slot.  

Chant of Death

At 14th level, you learn the spell Circle of Death. You can cast it as a 6th-level spell without expending a spell slot, once per long rest. When you reach level 20, you can cast the spell at 9th level when using this feature.
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