Klithzi Kobold | Race | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Klithzi Kobold

Ability Score Increase -5 STR, 0 CON, +5 DEX, +3 INT, 0 WIS, -3 CHR
Size Small
Speed 20ft

The Klithzi Kobolds are a race that grew in the wake of the Sundaru Desert Diaster. Native to Niith, these kobolds are Known for their bronze, copper, and tan Scales, a pair of pointed ears. They live in warrens and amongst the scrap heaps that litter the desert. They are mechanical geniuses and very speedy.   They have a long thick tail which can manipulate objects, and have clawed feet and hands as well as needle-sharp fangs.   Unfortunately it is also not uncommon to see a maimed Kobold. Due to their history and fights with new Allica, Some Kobolds are maimed from war or unfair treatment, However their skills in Prosthetics are world-renown.


  • Yipyak
  • Lesser Common
  • Draconic
  • Lower Draconic

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