Astari | Race/Species | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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world of excal-heim


ability score increase: +1 con, +2 cha
age: Astari mature at the same rate as their mother but can live up to 1000 years.
alignment: Imbued with celestial power and a desire to make the world a better place, all Astari Take after the deity that "made" them. Typically they are selfless, be that a paladins martyrdom or helping at a soup kitchen. (Alignment Chart v.4)
Size: Medium
speed: 30 feet
Languages: Common, Celestial, and any other language native to their parents.
parent race: Elf
race features:


Pick Elf, Human, or Goliath for your family.
You do not gain the abilities, traits, and/or feats of that race but do gain their appearance, specifically the mother. See Description below for more on your appearance.


You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.


Your creature type is celestial for the purposes of spells and effects.
You are vulnerable to necrotic damage.
Your power comes to you from a god or goddess of either the sun, moon, or stars. pick one.

Speak, and the world listens

Charisma is your spellcasting ability for all spell-like traits gained by this race.

Subracial Archetypes

Nebula Astari

Astral Sight.

At 3rd level, As an action, you may attempt to divine the abilities and defense of a creature you chose within 15ft.
You gain advantage on all attack rolls towards that creature for 3 rounds.
You must wait for 3 rounds before using this trait again.

Galatic Sword.

At 5th level, As an action, you can cast Shadow Blade at 3rd level once per short rest.
"We are not in space. You have never been to space. We haven't seen the sky in three days, we're underneath a GOD DAMM MOUNTAIN! Would you stop making space puns!"
— Steve, who is currently on trial.

Solar Astari

Praise the Sun.

At 3rd level, As an action, you can make a performance check to inspire up to 3 allies of your choice within 30ft.
On a success, all chosen allies gain advantage on their next 2 D20 rolls. You may not choose yourself. (DC = 11 + 2 per creature)
You must wait for 3 rounds before using this trait again.

Spear of Holy Light.

At 5th level, As an action, you can cast Lightning Spear at 3rd level once per short rest.
"Believe in the me that believes in Steve over there, and he believes in Carl who believes in that one person who I can never remember, that believes in you! Hey, Steve what's with the knife?"
— Mr. Anime

Lunar Astari

Midnight Trance.

At 3rd level, As an action, you may attempt to entrance a creature you chose within 60ft.
The creature makes a Wis save, becoming charmed for 3 rounds on a fail. You must wait for 3 rounds before using this trait again. (DC = 11 + your Cha modifier)

Lance of the Full Moon.

At 5th level, As an action, you can cast Moonlight Arrow at 3rd level once per short rest.
How does the man on the moon get his hair cut? Eclipse it!
— The late Carl, may she rest in peace...


Pick Elf, Human, or Goliath for your family. You do not gain the abilities, traits, and/or feats of that race but do gain their appearance, specifically the mother. Until adolescence, an astari will be indistinguishable from their peers, at which point three abnormal changes take place.
  1. Their hair turns an unnatural color as though it were dyed.
  2. Their physical appearance becomes exaggerated and stylized, becoming more cartoon-like. (ie. Slightly bigger eyes, slight V or Hourglass figure, natural makeup, ect.)
  3. Their eye color shifts to gold(solar), silver(lunar), or violet(nebula) in correspondence with their sub-race.
Astari are born to families of elves, humans, or goliaths, seemingly out of nowhere. In truth, this only happens whenever the gods are trying to fix something, which is all the time. To this end, the gods decided that they needed people with a natural predisposition for questing and adventure. To save the day and become heroes, without the tragedy usually needed to get mortals off their butt. Unfortunately, this has led to Astari being relatively rare, do to them dying on one of their numerous quests. However, should they survive and settle down, any children they have are guaranteed to be another Astari of the same sub-race.   A very important distinction is that Astari are NOT demigods, the gods just messed with them a bit before they were born. This does not make them any better at being a cleric, paladin, or priest than any other race; not that any of them realize that.   A few gods known to make astari:
Esotl of the Astral Sea
Character | Jan 11, 2021
Solaire of Astora
Character | Nov 21, 2020
Argent Darksnout
Character | Nov 21, 2020

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