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Mermon (Siloc)

ability score increase: +1 Con
age: 18 - 80 years
Size: Medium
speed: 30ft & 60ft Swim
Languages: Wutu
parent race: Mermon
race features:
Ripplesense +: Your Ripplesense now extends to 240ft underwater and 120ft in the air. You are otherwise blind however.   Bone Spines: Any creature attempting to Grapple or Restrain you will take 1d4 piercing damage and your Unarmed Attacks do piercing and get a plus to damage equal to your Proficiency.   Acid Resistance: You have Resistance to Acid damage.
"The Siloc are the Mermon from the Silent Ocean. They are hard to recognize as Mermon because of their radically different appearance. With sharp bone protrusions from multiple points of their bodies, nerve strands that are thick like dreadlocks, and skin where eyes should be, some mistake them from a monster that have crawled from the deep."

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