Half-hag | Race | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Ability Score Increase Refer to the Forms of the Wicked and Wardens
Size Medium

Hags within the world of Etheria like in many others tend towards malicious tendencies, but on occasion they may stray towards the good side.  

Forms of the Wicked

The Forms of the Wicked are inherently a part of each and every hag and their descendants, and will tend to draw the hag and half hag towards evil. Players who decide that they would wish to play an evil aligned character may only benefit from Ability Score increases from the Forms of the Wicked.   When a half hag reaches puberty they come to fully realise their true nature, unlocking their first form, the Form of the Maiden.
  • This form is the default form for all characters starting off as a half hag, giving the character a +2 bonus to their Charisma Score.
  Upon entering motherhood, a half hag will unlock the Form of the Mother.
  • This form gives the character a +2 bonus to their Constitution Score.
  When the character is either touched by death or become affected severely by strong negative emotions such as anger, they will unlock the Form of the Crone.
  • This form gives the character a +2 bonus to their Intelligence Score.

Forms of the Wardens

While the forms of the wicked are within all hags, those who manage to resist their evil temptations may be contacted by The Wardens of Hecate, who will offer to guide the character towards the light and that which is good. At which point the character may unlock one or multiple of The Forms of the Wardens. Good aligned characters who have been indoctrinated into the secret order of The Wardens of Hecate may benefit from both the Ability Score increases from the Forms of the Wicked and of the Wardens.
  • You may swap between any unlocked forms of the Wardens at the end of a long rest.
  A hag who is willing to help others before themselves, those who will take time to teach and set an example so to better a community may evoke the Form of the Guide.
  • The Guide allows the player to gain a +1 bonus to their Wisdom Score.
  A hag who is ready to stand up for what they hold most deer in life, and will fight to ensure the safety of both coven and community may evoke the Form of the Guardian.
  • The Guardian allows the player to gain a +1 bonus to their Strength Score.
  A hag who stands before all things, she who welcomes and turns away, a vigil through the night who wards against that which means to harm. These hags may evoke the Form of the Gatekeeper.
  • The Gatekeeper allows the player to gain a +1 bonus to their Dexterity Score.

Traits & Abilities

Fey Ancestry
Your creature type is both humanoid and fey.
You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern colour in darkness, only shades of grey.
Hag Magic
You can cast the disguise self, and invisibility spells with this trait. Once you cast either of these spells with this trait, you can’t cast that spell with it again until you finish a long rest. You can also cast these spells using any spells slots you have.   When you unlock an additional form from The Forms of the Wicked you gain a once per long rest use of the alter self spell, as a ritual. The spell may be used to change the characters current form, to be that of the Maiden, Mother, or Crone.
You can mimic sounds you have heard, including humanoid voices and animals. A creature that hears the sounds you make can tell they are imitations with a successful Wisdom (Insight) check opposed by your Charisma (Deception) check.
You have proficiency in the Charisma (Deception) skill.

Languages. One Regional Language, and Sylvan

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