illithid Psion | Race | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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illithid Psion

Ability Score Increase +2 int or dex, +1 cha or wis
Size Medium
Speed 30ft hover

Mind Blast

enemy makes a wis save against your spell save DC, on fail they take 1d4*prof, on success they take half (this is an action)

Illithids Armor

you have prof with light armor

Illithid Training

you have prof with scimitars, rapiers, whips, and daggers

Extract Brain

when a creature is grappled, or incapacitated you can reduce their Int by 2, if it hits 0 by this effect they die instantly

Illithids Tadpole

you can make an illithid tadpole during a rest, you can use this tadpole on a mortally wounded creature thats size is large or smaller. the tadpole invades their brain and turns them into a mind servant of the type of creature it was. you can have a number of mind servants equal to your prof

Illithid Nature

you have advantage on charisma checks

Languages. deep speech and one of choice

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