Blightsteel Ingot | Item | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Blightsteel Ingot

Trade Good


A Sickly pale-green metal that is toxic to all known living creatures, Blightsteel is the favored tool of anyone who wishes a cruel fate upon their enemies. To be specific, Blightsteel will cause any wound exposed to it to undergo necrosis at a frightening rate. Only being found beneath old Burial grounds and abandoned battlefields, mining Blightsteel is an extremely illegal activity in all but a few countries. It should be noted that when Blightsteel is ingested by an undead, they will grow up to 3 inches in height over the following year.
The Truth of the Third Age by Siroc Relvish


Necrotic metal, Uncommon.

Weighs about as much as mercury. Just as strong as steel.

Gives + 1d4 necrotic damage to normal weapons, +1d6 to magic weapons. Deals 1 Necrotic damage to attackers as armor.

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