Keisuke | Character Sheet | Dungeon World | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Evil: Abuse, swindle, or outsmart other criminals.


Trap Expert

When you spend a moment to survey a dangerous area, roll+DEX. On a 10+, hold 3. On a 7–9, hold 1. Spend your hold as you walk through the area to ask these questions:
• Is there a trap here and if so, what activates it?
• What does the trap do when activated?
• What else is hidden here?

Tricks Of The Trade

When you pick locks or pockets or disable traps, roll+DEX. On a 10+, you do it, no problem. On a 7–9, you still do it, but the GM will offer you two options between suspicion, danger, or cost.


When you attack a surprised or defenseless enemy with a melee weapon, you can choose to deal your damage or roll+DEX. On a 10+, choose two. On a 7–9, choose one:
• You don’t get into melee with them
• You deal your damage+1d6
• You create an advantage, +1 forward to you or an ally acting on it
• Reduce their armor by 1 until they repair it

Flexible Morals

When someone tries to detect your alignment you can tell them any alignment you like.


You’ve mastered the care and use of a poison. Choose a poison from the list below; that poison is no longer dangerous for you to use. You also start with three uses of the poison you choose. Whenever you have time to gather materials and a safe place to brew you can make three uses of the poison you choose for free. Note that some poisons are applied, meaning you have to carefully apply it to the target or something they eat or drink. Touch poisons just need to touch the target, they can even be used on the blade of a weapon.
Serpent’s Tears: (touch) Anyone dealing damage to the target rolls twice and takes the better result.


When you use Trap Expert you always get +1 hold, even on a 6-.

Wealth And Taste

When you make a show of flashing around your most valuable possession, choose someone present. They will do anything they can to obtain your item or one like it.

Shoot First

You’re never caught by surprise. When an enemy would get the drop on you, you get to act first instead.


When you put out word to the criminal underbelly about something you want or need, roll+CHA.
• On a 10+, someone has it, just for you.
• On a 7–9, you’ll have to settle for something close or it comes with strings attached, your call.

Human: You are a professional. When you Spout Lore or Discern Realities about criminal activities, take +1.

Hot-Headed: Suggest I overlook or forgive a minor insult.
Criminal: Ask me to help make someone an offer they can't refuse.

ItemTagsWeight1,350 CoinLoad: 7/9
Dungeon Rations5 uses, ration1
Leather Armor1 armor, worn1
Serpent's Tearspoison, 3 uses0
Short Swordclose1
Throwing Daggers3 held, near0
Adventuring Gear5 uses1
Healing Potion2 uses0
Giant Chieftan's Headdress0
Hand Crossbownear, reload, +1 damage1
Silver Bolts4 ammo, crossbow, silver1
Rondelhand, precise1



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Dungeon World

Statblock Type

Character Sheet
