Great House Blood | Feat | Pathfinder 1e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Great House Blood

You were born to one of the great houses of the crownlands.


Character Creation, Appropriate Race & Ethnicity


No matter the circumstances of your birth, it is undeniable that your character has been born to greatness in one of the seven great houses of the Crownlands. This comes with many boons, but can also come with many responsibilities. You gain the following benefits based on your chosen great house:   House Banur, The Aasimar You gain the level one spell from a cleric domain (and subdomain) of your choice. This spell is a spell-like ability usable 1 + your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1) times per day. Your CL for using this spell is equal to your character level. Through prayer after a long rest, you may switch which domain you are aligned to. This can only be done once per day.   House Nurta, The Tieflings You gain a level one spell of your choice from the Summoner spell list. This is a spell-like ability usable 1 + your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1) times per day. Your CL for using this spell is equal to your character level. After a long rest, you may switch which spell you have chosen. This can only be done once per day.   House Balati, The Sylphs You gain a level one Evocation spell of your choice from the Wizard/Sorcerer spell list. This is a spell-like ability usable 1 + your Intelligence modifier (minimum 1) times per day. Your CL for using this spell is equal to your character level. After a long rest, you may switch which spell you have chosen. This can only be done once per day.   House Everas, The Elves You gain a level one spell of your choice from the Bard spell list. This is a spell-like ability usable 1 + your Charisma modifier (minimum 1) times per day. Your CL for using this spell is equal to your character level. After a long rest, you may switch which spell you have chosen. This can only be done once per day.   House Scaymoor, the Halflings You gain a level one spell of your choice from the Mesmerist spell list. This is a spell-like ability usable 1 + your Charisma modifier (minimum 1) times per day. Your CL for using this spell is equal to your character level. After a long rest, you may switch which spell you have chosen. This can only be done once per day.   House Coscatia, the Humans You gain a level one spell of your choice from the Druid spell list. This is a spell-like ability usable 1 + your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1) times per day. Your CL for using this spell is equal to your character level. After a long rest, you may switch which spell you have chosen. This can only be done once per day. This does not grant you access to the Druidic secret language.   House Zigunar, the Dwarves You gain a level one Abjuration spell of your choice from the Wizard/Sorcerer spell list. This is a spell-like ability usable 1 + your Intelligence modifier (minimum 1) times per day. Your CL for using this spell is equal to your character level. After a long rest, you may switch which spell you have chosen. This can only be done once per day.

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Pathfinder 1e

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